Ulrich Junker · @UlrichJunker
356 followers · 1639 posts · Server fediscience.org

@vaishakbelle the purpose of is not to model the thought processes in our mind, but to define reasoning which is sound. Logic has complex rules, but a simple semantics. This semantics works well for mathematical, philosophical, and legal problems, but not for reasoning. AI research discovered these issues in the 1970ies, but no simple solution has been found. And does not solve them either since does not matter in this field.

#soundness #deeplearning #commonsense #logicalreasoning

Last updated 2 years ago

Carmen Krause · @Bibliothecarmen
561 followers · 555 posts · Server openbiblio.social

A freely accessible book as instructive as "The art of being right" by Arthur Schopenhauer and as delightful as "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame:
Almossawi, Ali: An illustrated book of bad arguments. New York, NY : The Experiment, 2014 - bookofbadarguments.com/.

Also available in German (and many other languages): bookofbadarguments.com/de/.


#arguments #discourse #fallacies #logicalreasoning #scicom #argumente #diskurs #fehlschlusse #logischesdenken #wisskomm #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Carmen Krause · @Bibliothecarmen
561 followers · 555 posts · Server openbiblio.social

A freely accessible book as instructive as "The art of being right" by Arthur Schopenhauer and as delightful as "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame:
Almossawi, Ali: An illustrated book of bad arguments. New York, NY : The Experiment, 2014 - bookofbadarguments.com/.

Also available in German (and many other languages): bookofbadarguments.com/de/.


#arguments #discourse #fallacies #logicalreasoning #scicom #argumente #diskurs #fehlschlusse #logischesdenken #wisskomm #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Carmen Krause · @Bibliothecarmen
561 followers · 555 posts · Server openbiblio.social

A freely accessible book as instructive as "The art of being right" by Arthur Schopenhauer and as delightful as "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame:
Almossawi, Ali: An illustrated book of bad arguments. New York, NY : The Experiment, 2014 - bookofbadarguments.com/.

Also available in German and many other languages: bookofbadarguments.com/de/.


#arguments #discourse #fallacies #logicalreasoning #scicom #argumente #diskurs #fehlschlusse #logischesdenken #wisskomm #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Pembroke · @Jim_Pembroke
190 followers · 267 posts · Server aus.social

With the Democrats holding the senate
And after spending some time on Mastodon, it's instructive following some heated Twitter "arguments" between different sides.
The the , the , the unnecessary .
The , the "my side" bias, the lack of and general is more obvious than ever.
Oh... and dont forget the bald arsed assertions. These usually come with, "It's true but you just don't want to see it."

#Midterms2022 #misrepresentations #strawmanning #diversions #aggression #fallacies #logicalreasoning #dishonesty #auspol #uspol #mysidebias

Last updated 2 years ago

BrainSportHero · @brainsporthero
18 followers · 114 posts · Server mstdn.social