Decided I needed to get off my ass and start getting something, anything, happening in my studio. So I pulled out my old cover of For Your Love by The Yardbird. It's been on my "desperately in need of a remix" list for a while now. Pretty simple song, and so far I'm happy with my progress. All the months of work I did on the reworking of my Tom Petty Free Fallin' cover is really paying off I think.
#studio #recording #remix #coversongs #logicpro #Yardbirds
Any #LogicPro users on here able to help?
I was recording a multitrack podcast today. Then my MacBook crashed and everything rebooted. We were about an hour in. Is there *anywhere* on my Mac that the recordings could be lurking or have I lost everything?
Inspired by the "Neon Metropolis" Live Loops chiptune pack for #Garageband, I did a live looping session with a bunch of fun DJ-type effects, and then cleaned it all up in #LogicPro.
For your weekend listening enjoyment: Magnificent Megalopolis #music #dance #edm #chiptune #lofi
#music #dance #edm #chiptune #lofi #garageband #logicpro
I am trying something new with #LogicPro for podcasting. I am curious if adding markers will add chapters when I export to MP3. Do you all know if this is the case? Logic is such a cool program.
Fun day working through guitar takes today. Love Logic and the way that it utilizes take lanes along with the ease of comping takes together into a more cohesive part. Tedious finding all the zero crossing points for the audio snippets, but it makes a beautifully coloured patchwork in the final track. And it sounds great too.
#LogicPro #Recording #Takes #Comping #Audio #Engineering #Production
#logicpro #recording #takes #Comping #audio #engineering #production
Erstes großes Update für Final Cut Pro auf dem iPad: Neue Funktionen und Bugfixes
Apple hat am Dienstag Updates für seine Suite professioneller Apps, darunter Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, Motion und Compressor, veröffentlicht. Währen
#iPad #News #Abonnement #Apple #Compressor #FinalCutPro #iMovie #iPad #LogicPro #macOS #Motion #ProfessionelleApps #Tastaturkrzel #Update
#iPad #News #abonnement #Apple #compressor #finalcutpro #imovie #logicpro #macos #motion #professionelleapps #tastaturkrzel #update
Took 4 weeks but the studio is finally back up & running. Sadly when the monitors crashed onto the mixer & buckled the rack units in the desk it damaged 2 of the DB-25 cables connected to the Presonus Quantum 4848 interface. So until I can replace the cables I'm "limited" to 24 tracks in & out. I'm really excited to have things running again.
#homeoffice #studio #recording #logicpro #allenheath #presonus #mackie #apple
#homeoffice #studio #recording #logicpro #allenheath #Presonus #mackie #apple
@PaulDavisTheFirst @simon_greenwood @xenogon @alisynthesis @leighsmith @synths
The irony is that when #LogicPro used to be #EmagicLogic, they had #ActiveMidiTransmission :
But that was abandoned when they were bought by Apple as time-stamping was apparently part of OSX (??) But if that's true - where does the jitter come from?
Emagic Logic + OS9 + AMT = rock solid. Logic Pro *now* - naahhhh
All of this is why timing obsessives use MPCs or trackers.
#activemiditransmission #emagiclogic #logicpro
@AmyZenunim Tried #GarageBand, #LogicPro, #Ardour5 or something else?
#ardour5 #logicpro #garageband
Touch wood, I'm about to wrap a #logicpro project in which a bug that has manifested itself in almost every project I've done in the last four years…has not appeared.
What do you bet it pops up when I export stems.
About 50% of the way through my studio reorganization now. The mixer is totally tested & fully operational, including every connected cable. Now working through all the outboard gear & cables, starting with my mics.
#homestudio #homestudiolife #recording #equipment #gear #rebuild #macpro #apogee #Presonus #tascam #logicpro
#homestudio #homestudiolife #recording #equipment #gear #rebuild #macpro #apogee #Presonus #tascam #logicpro
This fabulous editor written in #JUCE for the Mutable #Ambika #synth requires modification / updating (fails AU validation) but the #developer is no longer able to support it. Is there a C++ #programmer #coder #hacker who has knowledge of #AudioUnits #plugins for #Apple #LogicPro?
#plugin #software #audio #logicpro #apple #plugins #audiounits #hacker #coder #programmer #developer #synth #Ambika #juce
New music project after a looong hiatus. I was going to choose between upgrading #AbletonLive and trying #LogicPro (free 90 day trial).
Then I saw that Logic Pro for the #iPad is out. An initial glance at the reviews tells me it's pretty impressive. I may have to give that a try first.
Let's yolo #LogicPro in a real world scenario: record and mix a long audio session and deliver it as a podcast same-day. Tablet only.
#logicpro #wcgw #podcast #audio #Recording #ratemysetup
Seeking recommendations!
With the release of Apple's #LogicPro for iPad, I'm looking to build a small/portable/simple setup, mostly for #MIDI composition, with the ability to patch in some #synths/#guitars/#mics as well.
I want a device that I don't believe currently exists.
I want a single box that has:
1. at least 2 channels of audio input
2. headphone output
4. Bus powered
so far, this is well covered by a lots of boxes, but then the special bit
5. USB hub functionality
Very cool video about #LogicPro made by the amazing Jakob Haq. There's a lot of valuable tips and tricks, and a killer #chiptunes track completely made with the #Minimoog Model D app. Check it out and give Jakob some like and subscribe love!
#logicpro #chiptunes #minimoog
So I’ve been wanting to learn the fundamentals of music, because I want to create cool sounding stuff in #LogicPro. So, I asked #ChatGPT4 to explain the fundamentals of music to a programmer, and here’s what it wrote. How did it do?
Sure! Music, like programming, has its own syntax, structure, and set of rules. Understanding the basics of music involves several key concepts, including:
1. Sound & Pitch:
In music, sound is the basic building block. Sound is a wave that travels through the air and its properties like frequency and amplitude define the characteristics of the sound. In the context of music, we refer to frequency as pitch. Just as you would with different data types in programming, you deal with different pitches in music. Higher frequency (more waves per second) results in a higher pitch and vice versa.
2. Notes:
A note represents a pitch in music. This is analogous to a variable in programming. For example, in Western music, there are 12 unique notes: A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#. Once you reach the next 'A', you've completed an octave.
3. Scales:
A scale is a set of notes ordered by pitch. The most common scale is the diatonic scale, which includes seven unique pitches (like the C Major scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B). It's kind of like an array or list in programming that has specific items in a specific order.
4. Key:
A musical key is the note or scale that a piece of music is based on. For example, if a song is in the key of C, it will primarily use the notes from the C Major scale. In programming terms, this is similar to a base or a framework that you're working with.
5. Rhythm & Tempo:
Rhythm is the pattern of sound in time. Tempo refers to the speed of the rhythm. You can think of these as the control flow of a music piece, defining when notes start and stop, and at what pace.
Ready to take your music production skills to the next level? 🎵 iMore's hands-on with Logic Pro on iPad proves that pro apps can be accessible to everyone! 🔥 Get valuable tips and tricks to elevate your creativity. 🚀 #LogicPro #iMore #MusicProduction"
What's your favorite music production app or tool? 🎶
#logicpro #imore #musicproduction