get ready for the epic fight of the sociopa.. owners of with a free controller

if you want to place your bets; it is rumored that one of them is rather fit and the other would apparently have a very big mouth. but, putting all on "not gonna happen" is the safest; because this sounds just too good to be true...

#socialmedia #logitec #meta #facebook #zuckerberg #twitter #musk #Tesla #meme #mamema #memes #mma #nostalgia #streetfighter #nes #Nintendo #oceangate

Last updated 1 year ago

get ready for the epic fight of the sociopa.. owners of with a free controller

if you want to place your bets; it is rumored that one of them is rather fit and the other would apparently have a very big mouth. but, putting all on "not gonna happen" is the safest; because this sounds just too good to be true...

#facebook #zuckerberg #twitter #musk #Tesla #meme #mamema #memes #mma #nostalgia #streetfighter #nes #Nintendo #oceangate #socialmedia #logitec #meta

Last updated 1 year ago

Fratm :archlinux: · @fratm
163 followers · 805 posts · Server

I want to buy a new but I don't know what to get, and I've bought so many over the years that ended up being junk, that I am nervous about buying something new. I have been seeing ads for the MX Master series, are these any good? Will they last years?

Then there are the brand. Any good?

I currently use keyboards, which are cheap and work well enough. But I want something better.

#keyboard #logitec #ducky #reddragon

Last updated 2 years ago

Kiki · @kiki
1753 followers · 746 posts · Server

NutzerInnen aufgepasst: Mit dem heutigen Update (v. 5.3) werden nur noch der Apple Pencil und unterstรผtzt. AuรŸerdem gibt es ร„nderungen am Dateiformat und frรผhere Versionen kรถnnen die neuen Dateien nicht mehr รถffnen. Denkt also an Backups, ganz besonders, wenn Ihr auf Kundenprojekten arbeitet! (Ich mache generell drei: eines im nativen Format automatisiert in der iCloud, eines im Format PSD, und eines als JPG (jeweils auf externer SSD).

#procreate #logitec #crayon

Last updated 2 years ago

Chip Kroh · @lckrohjr
16 followers · 256 posts · Server

A sad day...
My very first wireless trackball, a Logitech M570, experienced a very traumatic issue today. The poor thing was at least 10 years old, had lost three out of the four rubber pads on the bottom, and was jittery and shaky for the last month. I cleaned all of the optical and roller sensors, and it still jittered so badly I could not click on anything without it registering multiple clicks. I...

#failure #m570 #logitec #trackball

Last updated 2 years ago

Ajira · @akira
61 followers · 909 posts · Server

impressionnant permet mรชme de mettre ร  jour des , style celui de ma souris .

#gnomesoftware #firmware #logitec

Last updated 6 years ago