Zum #Filmtip ein #Antifilmtip (oder #Filmantitip?):
"Lola rennt" wird vom #Tagesspiegel gehypt, anläßlich seines Erscheinens vor 25 Jahren.
Es wird die Frage gestellt, ob der #Film "schlecht gealtert" sei. Nein, ist er nicht. Er war schon vor 25 Jahren scheiße. Alle Leute aus #Berlin fanden ihn doof, allenfalls ganz frisch Zugezogene fanden ihn damals cool. Die Musik hat mir damals Kopfweh bereitet und ich bin aus unerfindlichen Gründen im #Kino sitzen geblieben. #Masochismus?
#filmtip #antifilmtip #filmantitip #tagesspiegel #film #berlin #kino #masochismus #tomtykwer #frankapotente #moritzbleibtreu #lolarennt
#Hannah, the 2011 movie starring #SaoirseRonan, #CateBlanchett, and #EricBana, is over the top but I love the way music and action are linked in a way similar to #LolaRennt (#RunLolaRun); even the running and electronic music (by #TheChemicalBrothers).
The first season of the #tv version on #Prime is really good, and the last episode of that season ends perfectly. The series should have ended there because it quickly slides into ridiculousness after.
#prime #TV #thechemicalbrothers #RunLolaRun #lolarennt #ericbana #cateblanchett #saoirseronan #hannah
I don't remember where I first saw #LolaRennt back when it was released, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that #LandmarkTheatres #EStreetCinema in #WashingtonDC chose its poster to hang as part of the permanent poster display in the semi-circle above the staircase leading down to the basement theaters.
Yes, it's worthy.
#RunLolaRun #WashingtonDC #estreetcinema #landmarktheatres #lolarennt
Yes, #LolaRennt holds up perfectly. Plot, structure, and soundtrack all still work to deliver a fun ride.
A real treat in 79 minutes, I highly recommend for whenever you need a time loop story that actually makes sense and is enjoyable *ahem, Chris Nolan*
A palate cleanser after the disappointment of my latest #Brazil rewatch: #LolaRennt (#RunLolaRun), another movie I haven't rewatched for about 20 years.
I remember this as inventively fun and original.
Oh yeah*, and the great Klimek, Tykwer and Heil soundtrack (my introduction to them).
*Reminded as the movie opens with the ticking clock.
#RunLolaRun #lolarennt #Brazil
I am developing a project with #StableDiffusion, and I often use the prompt about "red-haired girl" - possibly, because I love #LolaRennt movie a lot. Sometimes the results are quite amazing...
This is #StableDiffusion2-base
#stablediffusion2 #lolarennt #stablediffusion
Lola Rennt (Run Lola, Run) is now playing on Criterion Channel!
#lolarennt #RunLolaRun #criterionchannel
What do you think if #ManiacMansion were turned into a TV series where each episode is a different run through the game?
People like hearing a story they already know, especially if there are minor variations. And there's already a precedence for this kind of storytelling. #RunLolaRun / #LolaRennt basically gives Lola three "lives" to run through the "game", and she obviously remembers things from one "life" to the next.
#lolarennt #runlolarun #maniacmansion
#RunLolaRun / #LolaRennt is the best videogame adaptation of a videogame that doesn't exist.
Glyphosat / Architektur / Erdogan / Lola rennt
Glyphosat - so sicher wie Ihr Friseur Der Ausschussvorsitzende für Landwirtschaft Alois Gerig (CDU) beging heute einen Anschlag auf die Obs ...
#AloisGerig #Altstadtrekonstrktion #Architektur #Brlin #Brutalismus #CDU #FAZ #Frankfurt #Glyphosat #JörhThomann #Lolarennt #MauMau-Siedlung #Monsanto #RainerHermann #RecepT.Erdogan #Stadtschloss #StephanTrüby #Stuttgart #Türkei
#aloisgerig #altstadtrekonstrktion #architektur #brlin #brutalismus #cdu #faz #frankfurt #glyphosat #jörhthomann #lolarennt #maumau #monsanto #rainerhermann #recept #stadtschloss #stephantrüby #stuttgart #türkei