@badrihippo I self host email for 2 separate domains and set up as different accounts in my email clients. That keeps things pretty separate.
But...I'm weird that way. I've run email servers of some description for over 20 years. For me, progress would've been appliances anyone could use to host their email, but the industry had other ideas.
That's why I like seeing projects like #LollipopCloud try to set things right.
While these issues were with #Yunohost, I encountered the same with #Sandbox, #Cloudron, #ArkOS, #LollipopCloud and pretty much every selfhosting distro I tried.
While I worked all of them (except the last one) out, it increased the time to get to a working site from minutes to days. I didn't mind, but for many other people, it's likely a barrier.
I wonder how we could encourage automatic tools like these for *all* self hosting distros?
#yunohost #sandbox #cloudron #arkos #lollipopcloud
@grumpy_developer@mastodon.technology @dansup @yunohost
Also worth mentioning though are #Freedombox #LollipopCloud and #Freedombone.
I would LOVE to see any/all of the projects mentioned collaborate on the problems mentioned in my previous toot, as they're all problems that ALL of your projects would benefit from having solutions to.
#freedombox #lollipopcloud #freedombone