#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - IC reports forward progress has been stopped, resources committed another 5-6 hours & will have a few engines on it overnight. Last mapped just under 100 acres. LOM-E087 remains under an evacuation order, the others have been lifted. Final…https://nitter.net/i/web/status/166…
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - AA cancelling 2 of the additional tankers & cancelling request for 1 of the copters. IC reporting the fire is 50 acres. Zone LOM-E079 was upgraded to an evacuation order.
Evac Points
Sycamore Ranch
5390 California Highway 20, Browns Valley,…https://nitter.net/i/web/status/166…
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - Air Attack placing a no-divert status on 3 air tankers due to life safety, 1 large air tanker requested. Evacuations in progress w/ Zone LOM-E087 = evacuation order & Zones LOM-E079 + YUB-E042 being evacuation warnings. Map link:…https://nitter.net/i/web/status/166…
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - IC requesting 15 additional engines, 5 handcrews & 4 dozers. Air Attack requesting 2 addl S-2 tankers & 2 more copters.
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - AA112 overhead reporting 3 separate fires totaling 20 acres w/ moderate rate of spread in grass & oak woodland, 2 structures are immediately threatened.
#ScottFire in the #LomaRica area of Yuba Co - 3 starts visible on camera, full response en-route. Marysville Rd & Scott Grant Rd. share.watchduty.org/i/4155