RT @KoalaKollektiv
Zu unserer Aktion letzte Woche zur #Schuldenstreichung für den Globalen Süden an der #Bundesbank gab es Reaktionen, die wir mangels Interviewpartner:innen nachstellen mussten 😎 Fun Fakt: die Aktion war 100% legal (Hintergrund siehe Thread ⤵️) #DebtforClimate #LondonAgreement1953
#Schuldenstreichung #bundesbank #DebtForClimate #londonagreement1953
RT @Debt4ClimateDE
Heute fordern wir die Streichung der Schulden von Ländern des Globalen Südens. Ohne Schuldenstreichung keine Klimagerechtigkeit! #DebtForClimate #LondonAgreement1953
#DebtForClimate #londonagreement1953
RT @Debt4ClimateDE
💥Activists from @DebtforClimate are blocking the Finance Ministry to demand for @c_lindner to keep his promise of cancelling the debt of the Global South on the 70th anniversary of German debt cancellation!
Cancel debt - Colonial trap!
#DebtforClimate #LondonAgreement1953
#DebtForClimate #londonagreement1953
RT @digitaldidan
70 years ago,Germany’s debt was cancelled after a #LondonAgreement1953. Germany had faced multiple losses in World War II.
As it was done, we ask Germany to use its influence in @IMFNews to also cancel the illegitimate #DebtForClimate on us Global South countries.
📸: @nbstv
#londonagreement1953 #DebtForClimate
RT @Debt4ClimateDE
💥Activists from @DebtforClimate are blocking the Finance Ministry to demand for @c_lindner to keep his promise of cancelling the debt of the Global South on the 70th anniversary of German debt cancellation!
Cancel debt - Colonial trap!
#DebtforClimate #LondonAgreement1953
#DebtForClimate #londonagreement1953
RT @Debt4ClimateDE
"Wir fordern die deutsche Regierung auf, die Schulden zu streichen ... Wenn es 1953 für Deutschland möglich war, dann ist es heute für Länder wie Pakistan sehr wohl möglich", sagt Minerva aus Pakistan. #DebtForClimate #LondonAgreement1953
#DebtForClimate #londonagreement1953
Aktuell vor dem Finanzministerium
RT @sunnyboymorgan
@DebtforClimate #cancelthedebt #LondonAgreement1953 good for Germany in1953 must be good for Global South in 2023 @sunnyboymorgan @Debt4climateSA
#cancelthedebt #londonagreement1953
RT @Debt4ClimateDE
What do we want? Debt Cancellation! When do we want it? NOW! 💥💥💥 #DebtForClimate #LondonAgreement1953
#DebtForClimate #londonagreement1953
RT @DebtforClimate
+++ We are LIVE +++
Listen to the Global South speaker and hear their struggles with debt trap diplomacy!
#londonagreement1953 #DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima
Montag ist Debt For Climate Aktionstag.
RT @Debt4ClimateDE
Was taucht denn da auf?
Die Erinnerung, dass das was für Deutschland nach dem 2. Weltkrieg möglich war, heute allemal für den Globalen Süden möglich ist!
⏰Montag ist globaler Aktionstag!!
Smash Neocolonialism - Cancel debt!
#DebtforClimate #LondonAgreement1953
#DebtForClimate #londonagreement1953
On Monday, February 27th, @DebtforClimate will remind everyone that cancelling debt is possible. ⬇️
RT @DebtforClimate
💥Debt Cancellation - Possible for Germany in 1953, not possible for the Global South today?!💥
Mon, 27 Feb, will be the next global action day of #DebtForClimate with actions happening around the world on a historic date for debt cancellation!
[1/13] 🧵👇🏿
#DebtForClimate #londonagreement1953