I'm finally on my way to self-love, or at least self-acceptance or something in between.
I finally know what is behind the sentence "you have to like yourself for others to like you" and I learned that you should always assume, that others will like you.

One thing I struggle with though: They say, you shouldn't take it personal, if someone breaks off contact or ghosts you. "It says more about them, then it says about you" and "it doesn't mean, they don't like you".

But of course that's what it means! It at least means, they don't like you as much as you like them. Ask yourself this: Would you ghost them, if your mother just died, you lost your job and got really sick? If the answer is no, then you are more invested in this friendship than they are.

That hurts and no amount of healthy self-love can fix that.
If it doesn't hurt, you reached an amount of self-love that is unsympathetic.
That's how I see it.

How do you handle ghosting?

#ghosting #selflove #lonelyness #friendship #selfworth

Last updated 1 year ago

Luca Ruggeri · @lcruggeri
54 followers · 2179 posts · Server mastodon.uno

/me sat on bed, watching my timeline in order to comment to somebody


Last updated 1 year ago

Fentje · @Feelingblue
26 followers · 76 posts · Server photog.social
Lexidh · @Lexidh
118 followers · 314 posts · Server ohai.social

I feel like crap on a stick. My own fault, but still suffering. I even paid for the pleasure at a private hospital. I want to talk, but I hardly have the strength to breathe. This is when I feel the most lonely as a chronic pain sufferers, those days when you desperately need companionship, but can't handle it.

#chronicpain #pain #fibro #fibromyalgia #lonelyness #mentalhealth #badmentalhealth #physicalpain

Last updated 2 years ago