Welcome to a new week.
For this Monday, yes, I checked, it is Monday,
let's Read ECF at ProjectMUSE:
"On the Edges of Gothic Parody: The Neglected Work of Mrs F.C. Patrick and Sarah Green," by Mercy Cannon
#18thCentury #C18th #18thC @ASECS
Many thanks for reading.
#18thcentury #c18th #18thc #long18thcentury #19thcentury #19thC #C19th
If you're including the early nineteenth-century novel /The Woman of Colour/ on your syllabus, may we suggest adding "New Essays on /The Woman of Colour/ (1808)"?
Find this ECF special issue on Project MUSE:
Editors Nicole Aljoe, Kerry Sinanan, & Mariam Wassif
#Long18thCentury #18thCentury #C18th #18thC @ASECS
Email: ecf@mcmaster.ca if your institution doesn't have access to MUSE, and we'll help with access to these articles on the UTPress online portal.
#long18thcentury #18thcentury #c18th #18thc