Results of Hamburg #Longboard Open 2023
Bioglan Bells Beach #Longboard Classic - Victoria, Australia
🔴 IT’S ON! - Watch LIVE #surf #wsl
From my #longboarding days back in high school. Really miss it from time to time and I’m gonna try to get back on my board before the summer’s over.
#longboarding #longboard #skating
#PartySan #Metal Open Air auf dem Flugplatz — und ich hab mein #Longboard dabei 😁
das Oktoberfest nimmt langsam Gestalt an. #theresienwiese #longboard #skateboard #vans #münchen
#theresienwiese #longboard #skateboard #vans #munchen
Zur Belohnung gibt es sizilianische Süßigkeiten aus dem „Dolce Vita“ #cruiser #longboard #theresienwiese
#cruiser #longboard #theresienwiese
Сегодня решил прокатиться до соседнего города по велодорожке.
А дорожка оказалась не пригодна для катания. Завершили ее в прошлом году. Говно что было после строительства (куски паллетов, провода, песок, камни) все это так там и лежит. Но ладно это. Велодорожка выложена из плитки. И эта плитка выпирает. Собственно что и привело к падению. Можно сказать да, сам дурак, не увидел. Но *ять, нахер так выкладывать?
Лицом бы в эту плитку, того сотрудника администрации, кто принимал работы...
gave one of my longboards a new design.
#watercolor #acrylic and #marker
#art #abstract #Longboard
#watercolor #acrylic #marker #art #abstract #longboard
I'm thinking about getting an electric conversion kit for my #longboard. It seems that the German start-up #MellowDrive is gone, which would have been my first choice. The next best thing seems to be the #UnlimitedRaceKit. They generally sell with #LoadedBoards, but they're sold out. #RevelKit doesn't deliver outside the US.
So now I'm looking at buying a used one, simply because there are no options to get a new one.
In one of the next posts I'll lament about all my hobbies being illegal.
#longboard #mellowdrive #unlimitedracekit #loadedboards #revelkit
Ich war grad wieder ein Stündchen #Longboard fahren von der Haustür weg und es ist immer wieder dasselbe: Füße aufs Brett, fettes Grinsen ins Gesicht 😁
The hardware store had bearing lubricant, but only had lithium based #wd40 spray grease.
I'm not sure if that spray grease isn't too liquid for my purpose...
#skating bubble, I need your knowledge.
#wd40 #skating #longboard #skateboard
The new bushings are really hard. Not sure if I like them yet.
I need to loosen up the kingpins a bit further. Specifically the one at the back must be a bit more responsive.
But I'm glad I finally replaced them. Now I need to get new tires and clean the bearings.
#offroad #longboard #longboarding #skating #evolve
A morning of meetings. Last client situated along a stretch of tantalisingly #longboard-friendly surface so ditched the car early, (saved some fuel, and longboarded the rest of the way. 🛹
Now wondering if I can wangle a new longboard under the guise of ‘company vehicle’. 💡🤔
#longboard #graphicdesign #branding #isleofwight #longboarding
Today I tested the battery of my longboard.
I'm impressed. There's a lot of hills in my area. My region is basically made of hills. No flat roads anywhere. That's crazy.
#evolve #skater #longboard #longboarding
I had a situation today, I was lucky and able to get out of it myself.
I was driving downhill on my #longboard and a car didn't leave a lot of safety space.
This situation made me feel insecure and additionally my legs were hurting.
I was losing focus for a moment and quickly gained speed. For half a second I was panicking and started to break which almost made me slip.
I was able to catch myself mentally, break in a controlled manner and leave the street.
Had a #dangerous #situation 10 minutes ago.
I was riding to the #baker on my #longboard on a small empty #sidewalk and was #recklessly overtaken by a bicycle.
The sidewalk is barely 1.50m wide and we could have had a dangerous #accident if I changed my body's center of gravity only by a few centimeters.
I would have hit the wall of a building and the bicycle had a very good chance to fall on the street during primetime #traffic.
If you can make others aware of your #intentions, please do so.
#dangerous #situation #baker #longboard #sidewalk #recklessly #accident #traffic #intentions