22 May 2023
Watching a YouTube video (https://youtu.be/1EOSeUs1lUo) I need to look at:
- [ ] Bow arm - only going forward esp. on release
- [ ] Release - full but anchored on my face (no exaggerated follow through)
- [ ] Focus - pick my spot and concentrate hard on it not the rest of the process
- [ ] Bow - consider canting the bow slightly (I may be holding too straight)
- [ ] Draw - avoid target panic by coming to full draw below target then raise to shoot
#longbow #archery is my passion.
@timwilson I started with recurve, toyed with a compound and then fell in love with an English longbow. It’s probably the reverse order to what I should have done. My #longbow is all about personal form, no techie bits to fiddle with, can’t blame my clicker or my long rod. I’ve seen a compound effortlessly hit a clout flag at 180 yards. So, respect! Any #archery is great fun.
Single Portsmouth round at the indoor range. Noticed that doing the classic 'draw' of raising my arms high and then coming down to aim at the gold puts my shoulder in the wrong alignment and results in me not engaging my back muscles properly. Corrected this by keeping the arrow horizontal during pre-draw and then deliberately engaging my back muscles to continue to full draw. May be twisting my bow arm slightly on release. #longbow #archery is my passion.
@Dasy2k1 I started with recurve many years ago but found that there were so many things to tinker with on the bow that I couldn’t get just right. Then I found my first #longbow - a beech self bow made by P Siega (that’s the one which died recently). Now it’s all about me - my stance, posture, grip, draw, anchor and release. The bow just does what it’s supposed to. I’m looking to replace the beech bow in the near future but it’s likely to be costly.
@Dasy2k1 on the last couple of Wednesdays I’ve been extending my repertoire with the St George round. That’s 3 dozen arrows at 100 yards, 3 dozen at 80 yards and finally 3 dozen at 60 yards. Plenty of walking to collect arrows! Sadly one of my longbows couldn’t cope and I’ve had to retire it. #longbow #archery is my passion.
@jovial_cynic next week I’m doing a St George round - thats 3 dozen at 100 yds, 3 dozen at 80 yds and 3 dozen at 60 yds. I hope it’s not as windy then as it is now here in Yorkshire, UK. #longbow #archery is my passion.
@robcornelius that’s interesting. I use the Mediterranean grip on a 55lb English longbow and find that if I position the top edge of the leather grip at the top of the target then it’s about right. If I’m shooting at 100 yds then, yes, it’s aiming at a cloud. #longbow #archery is my passion
@robcornelius had a great morning shooting at 50 yds and 80 yds. Now if an elephant comes into view … #longbow #traditionalarchery #archery
#longbow #traditionalarchery #archery
24hrs in #archery
Yesterday I went to my clubs indoor session. I shot appallingly badly. Missed the boss repeatedly. I shoot #longbow but I am not that bad. Really frustrated and annoyed.
Today went to the range on my own in the spring sunshine. Time to concentrate and focus. Everything more or less fell into place. Sometimes the social aspect of archery is not a good thing.
Shot back to back 'National' rounds today in freezing cold rain and blustery wind. Quite pleased to have beaten my PB by more than 50 points. That’s a round of 4 dozen at 60 yards and 2 dozen at 50 yards (twice). #archery is brilliant and my English #longbow is superb. Had a great #archeryday
First outdoor session of the year. 50 yards with an 55lb English longbow shooting Mediterranean style. Strong wind blowing right to left. Had some difficulty finding the best aim point on the bow but after the first dozen I’d got it roughly centred. Steady improvement from 18.4 to 22.8 per end. Lessons: JK video on target aiming is useful. https://youtu.be/kKAg_JIstqo. Also discovered Joel Turnery Archery as a useful source of guidance. #archery #archeryday #longbow
Shooting my #longbow at a paper plate at 20 yards. I managed to hit the face pin in the middle of the plate so square on it pushed the head of face pin through the plate and further into the boss TWICE #archery #traditionalarchery
#longbow #archery #traditionalarchery
@ellie @shippychaos I have done a few basic blacksmithing classes. I am learning to make my own #longbow too. I think I have a slight chance.
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