Not good, really, about #longcoivd, is it?
"85% reported decreased quality of life, 51% said they had cognitive impairment, 45% had altered lung function, 83% had abnormal CT chest scans, and 12% had elevated heart rate on rhythm monitoring."
Long COVID has been kicking my bum, so I haven’t been around much. It’s been over three years, I can’t work anymore, and I’m less healthy than folks over twice my age. It’s tough, but I will survive. #longcoivd #wearyourmask
Trying to rest in an #me crash is like lying at the shoreline on a stony beach with waves crashing over and over your body. It’s never a quiet and peaceful release, it’s a clinging on until the tide turns then lying beached and breathless until the next time.
#ME #MECFS #longcoivd
@MVGutierrezMD @arghavansallesmdphd unfortunately this has been true at NIDDK when it comes to funding research on “functional” digestive illness like #IBS or other #DGBI. We’re bracing for the onslaught of #longCOIVD patients in clinical health psych once the diagnosis becomes less novel and too frustrating for many MDs. Not that I can’t help in some way but the reason for referral will be wrong if that makes sense