Matt Pritchett 📷♿️ · @CrankyCyborg
317 followers · 2288 posts · Server

The list of health problems from grows.
It's a fvcking nightmare.
Eat more than a couple bites of food, overheat/sweat excessively.
Try to stretch, dizziness and fatigue hit.
Take a shower, sweat excessively afterwards & fatigue for 1 to 2 days.
Random chest pain, shortness of breath, hearing problems, memory issues, UGH!

I'm tired. ✌️👋🥱😴🛌☠️

#LongCovid #needresearchandtreatmentsforlongcovid #longcovidnightmare #ventingintothevoid #bitchtootin #longcoviddisability

Last updated 2 years ago