Final chance to submit your thoughts to Pharmac re widening Paxlovid eligibility. Submission window closes Monday July 21 at 5pm. Especially important now that all protection measures have been dropped. #paxlovid #COVID9 #covid19nz #covidnz #longcovid #longcovidnz #nzpol #medicallyvulnerable
Proposal to change the access criteria for COVID-19 antiviral treatments - Pharmac | New Zealand Government
#Paxlovid #covid9 #COVID19nz #CovidNZ #LongCovid #longcovidnz #nzpol #medicallyvulnerable
My petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid goes before Select Committee on Thursday.
If anyone is interested in supporting this, please email MOH as well as your MP.
Hopefully something will come out of this.
Thanks to everyone who signed and supported it!
#nzpol #longcovidnz #paxlovid
Absolutely insane levels of chronic illness flare up for the last couple of weeks now #longcovid #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #longcovidaotearoa #longcovidnz #chronicillness
#LongCovid #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #longcovidaotearoa #longcovidnz #chronicillness
Last call. Petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people closing tomorrow, Wed 25th January. Please sign and share!
#CovidNZ #covidisnotover #NZPol #longcovidNZ #longcovid #covidisairborn
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborn
Last call: Petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid is closing tomorrow. Many of us have had pre existing conditions exacerbated by 1st infection and don't qualify. Long covid sufferers also afraid of reinfection.
Come on government, help us!!
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #paxlovid #longcovid #nzpol
Petition ยท Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility ยท
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #Paxlovid #LongCovid #nzpol
I will be closing my petitin to expand paxlovid eligibility to medically people with ONE pre existing condition including Long Covid on Wed. 25th January. I'll be submitting it to Parliament at that point. Many of us don't qualify, in spit of suffering devastating effects from first infection. Please sign and share!
#CovidNZ #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #longcovidNZ #longcovid #NZPol
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #longcovidnz #LongCovid #nzpol
Will be closing and submitting this petition to expand eligibility to paxlovid for all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid on 25th January. Eligibility is currently extremely narrow and many are being left out. Please sign and share.
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #longcovid #covidisairborn #covidisnotover #nzpol
Petition ยท Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility ยท
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborn #CovidIsNotOver #nzpol
Please sign and share my petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid. Many of us have had pre existing conditions badly exacerbated by first infection but don't fit the cur, very narrow, criteria. Long covid sufferers also afraid of of what reinfection will do to them.
#CovidNZ #Covidisnotover #Covidisairborn #nzpol #longcovidnz #longcovid #paxlovid
Petition ยท Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility ยท
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #Paxlovid
Does anyone have any tips I may have missed for sleep issues with long/persistent covid #LongCovid #persistentcovid #Sleepproblems
I haven't had restful sleep in now over a week and I'm absolutely dying. I need some tips or meds I can get over the counter without too much issue here in #AotearoaNZ #longcovidnz
A lot of meds available in other countries are banned here or I need a script for them so please take note of that before making suggestions. I'm feeling like absolute shit, this is probably the worst time I've had with sleep since I caught covid in may last year. Help
#LongCovid #persistentcovid #sleepproblems #AotearoaNZ #longcovidnz
Please sign and share my petition to expand eligibilty for Paxlovid to all medically vulnerable people with ONE pre existing condtion, including long covid. Many of us have had pre existing condtions badly exacerbated by previous infection, but don't qualify. Long covid sufferers also don't want further damage from reinfection. #CovidNZ #Kraken #NZpol #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #bringbackmasks #longcovid #longcovidNZ #Covid19NZ
#CovidNZ #kraken #nzpol #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #BringBackMasks #LongCovid #longcovidnz #COVID19nz
So close to 1,000 now! Please sign and share if you haven't already! Petition to make paxlovid available to everyone with ONE pre existing condition, not the current three. #CovidNZ #Covidisairborn #covidisnotover #longcovidnz #longcovid #paxlovid #nzpol
#CovidNZ #CovidIsAirborn #CovidIsNotOver #longcovidnz #LongCovid #Paxlovid #nzpol
I will be submitting this petition in a couple of weeks. Please sign and share. Really need to get medically vulnerable people included in the eligibility for paxlovid. Many of us are dealing with exacerbated pre existing conditions due to 1st infection. People with long covid also need as much protection as possible if they get reinfected, so their conditions do not worsen. #Covid #CovidNZ #Covidisnotover #Covidisairborn #nzpol #longcovidnz
#covid #CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol #longcovidnz
New variant's arrival means even more reason to expand eligibility to paxlovid for all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid. Many of us have had pre existing conditions exacerbated by 1st infection and yet don't qualify for the meds. Long covid sufferers also don't want to risk further damage.
Please sign my petition to widen Paxlovid availability. #Covid #CovidNZ #nzpol #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #longcovid #longcovidnz #kraken
#covid #CovidNZ #nzpol #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #LongCovid #longcovidnz #kraken
Please sign and share my petition to expand eligibility to paxlovid for all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid. Many of us have had pre existing conditions badly worsen after first infection and need to be able to minimise damage if we were to get reinfected. Long covid sufferers also afraid of reinfection and worsening of symptoms. #Covid #CovidNZ #Covidisnotover #Covidisairborn #longcovidnz #longcovid #nzpol #covid19nz
#covid #CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #longcovidnz #LongCovid #nzpol #COVID19nz
Please sign and share my petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid. Many of us have had pre existing conditions exacerbated by 1st infection yet do not qualify for it. Long covid sufferers also afraid of reinfection and further damage. Will be submitting the petition later this month.
#Covid #covidnz #covidisnotover #longcovidnz #longcovid #covidisairborn #nzpol
#covid #CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #longcovidnz #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol
Please sign and share my petition to expand eligibilty for paxlovid for all medically vulnerable people. Currently, eligibility is very narrow and leaves out many of us who have already had devasting impacts on our health from first infection. Also people with long covid want to avoid further damage. #Covid #CovidNZ #Covidisnotover #Covidisairborn #nzpol #longcovidnz #paxlovid
#covid #CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol #longcovidnz #Paxlovid
Please sign and share my petition to widen eligiblity for Paxlovid to all medically vulnerable people, including those with long covid. One currently needs 3 (!!) serious pre existing conditions, which leaves many of us out even though we've had devastating impacts on our health already. #covid #CovidNZ #Covidisairborn #covidisnotover #longcovidnz
#covid #CovidNZ #CovidIsAirborn #CovidIsNotOver #longcovidnz
Please sign and share my petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people. Many of us have had pre existing conditions badly worsen by first infection, yet we don't qualify got the medication. #Covid #CovidNZ #longcovid #longcovidnz #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #nzpol
#covid #CovidNZ #LongCovid #longcovidnz #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol
I cannot stress enough how much #truvada for #longcovid #longcovidnz #persistentcovid is helping. And in such a short period of time as well. Absolutely nuts. If you are a #longhaulcovid person I highly recommend giving it a go. Covid is airborne HIV.
For the rest of you. If you haven't had it yet I highly recommend you up your masking game. Don't catch this virus. Immunity debt isn't real.
#truvada #LongCovid #longcovidnz #persistentcovid #longhaulcovid
Day 9 of truvada and I feel almost how I did pre-covid.
I'm still disabled by other post viral illnesses, and I don't have nearly as much energy as I'd like. But I'm feeling way better than before. To the point that I feel like I might be able to start sewing again sometime in the future???? I still don't have all the cognitive function I had pre-covid and I suspect that will be permanent, but I'm feeling way better than I did before. What I'm saying is that truvada for #longcovid #persistentcovid #longcovidnz works.
#LongCovid #persistentcovid #longcovidnz