Open Book Publishers · @OpenBookPublish
395 followers · 66 posts · Server

📢 in : ' and of the ', edited by David Atkinson and Steve Roud.

This deeply researched collection offers a comprehensive introduction to the trade in – , , and – in England and Scotland.

Offering detailed studies of a selection of the printers, types of publication, and places of publication that constituted the cheap and popular print trade during the period, these essays delve into , , , pictures, and more to push back against neat divisions between low and high culture, or popular and high .

It will be of great value to scholars and students of eighteenth-century and , and the , and studies, children’s literature, and .

This title is avalable at

#outnow #oa #cheapprint #streetliterature #longeighteenthcentury #EighteenthCentury #ballads #chapbooks #popularprints #slipsongs #storybooks #literature #popularculture #print #history #booktrade #ballad #folk #socialhistory #openaccess

Last updated 1 year ago

DrCiaranMcDonn · @DrCiaranMcDonn
90 followers · 23 posts · Server

: Hi all, I'm a working primarily on the . My PhD looked at soldiers in the during the . My postdoc looked at Irishmen in the (the or ). Since then I've worked on both topics, with articles & chapters on these & others including the Irish Militia & the . I also research on topics relating to the & . Looking forward to meeting you!

#introduction #historian #histodon #longeighteenthcentury #irish #britisharmy #NapoleonicWars #frencharmy #irishbrigade #wildgeese #1798rebellion #crusades #medievalireland

Last updated 2 years ago