My neighbour brought over some beef skewers last evening plus a couple of spring rolls made by her husband. So tonight it's those plus air fryer fries and a huge pile of veggies. What's on your menu? (Sunday is my worst day of the week, hence the fries.) Oh, and the Dodgers and Astros again.
#dinner #mlb #dodgers #sunday #houstoncheatedbutsodidjudgesohismvplossisprobablyjustified
#longhashtags #houstoncheatedbutsodidjudgesohismvplossisprobablyjustified #sunday #dodgers #mlb #dinner
Really hoping I can get my personal army to help with signal boost on this issue:
It would be 🔥 ULTRA 🔥 FUEGO 🔥 if one could check for protocol handler registration before resorting to polyfills for things like opening a map location for driving directions.
#webdev #chrome #chromium #firefox #samsunginternet #isprotocolhandlerregistered #longhashtags # safari #webkit #indieweb #geouri
#webdev #chrome #chromium #firefox #samsunginternet #isprotocolhandlerregistered #longhashtags #webkit #indieweb #geouri