OK suddenly concerned for security of descendants of King Charles III, especially 2yo #Lilibet, daughter of Harry and #Meghan, who already have more than their share of haters bc #racism
#lilibet #meghan #racism #longlivelilibet #cantbelieveimcheeringfordisney #megacorpsarekillingusall #butfashareworse #DontSayGay #desantis #florida #uspol #lgbtq
Royal clause and King Charles III invoked in Disney vs. DeSantis board dispute. #longlivelilibet #thehappiestkingdom. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-ne-disney-desantis-charles-royal-clause-loophole-board-20230330-2ucrvv22hfhcvbrn446us6xmuu-story.html
#longlivelilibet #thehappiestkingdom
@ConnorMoran Coincidently, #Disney announces it will shoulder the cost of security for Prince Harry and his family. #LongLiveLilibet