T.B. Cristão :verified: · @Bellissiamo
28 followers · 129 posts · Server mstdn.social

I no longer read threads 🧵 that are 20+ pages long. Neither should anyone who values their time.

I didn’t join social media for intellectual asperity from self-publicists. Therefore any epistemic tripe should, and must, be left within the confines of academic symposia.

#twitterthread #longposts #Twitter #influencers #News #cnn

Last updated 1 year ago

Łukasz Rutkowski · @luckkerr
102 followers · 168 posts · Server mastodon.world

One nice benefit of horizontally scrolling timeline is that long posts don't need to be truncated. But perhaps I should group or hide link previews somehow if there is a lot of them?

#pipilo #longposts

Last updated 2 years ago

Quasar · @Quasar
30 followers · 236 posts · Server dice.camp

So some instances allow for longer posts. Which ones are they? And given the default 500 limit do all clients handle long posts fine? And if you are on a server with a default limit and you follow someone from a long post instance how does that look like and how does boosting long posts on non long post instance look like?

#mastodon #longposts

Last updated 2 years ago

WiseOldOwl · @WiseOldOwl
37 followers · 284 posts · Server mastodon.social

Question... I have a post I'd like to have that goes over the 500 word limit. It's a poem, how best should I do this? For now and in the future?

#mastodonquestions #longposts #formatting #modquestion

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Louden · @alexl
12 followers · 7 posts · Server aus.social

I reached a very satisfying milestone today - I’ve finished repairing and painting my study ceiling!

This is the original 100 year old cast plasterglass ceiling - when I moved in it was sagging and cracked, the access hole trim was falling off, and the cornice was cracking.

First, I needed to remove the old insulation and vacuum out the roof space to get a clean surface to work with. Then to fix the sagging I lifted up sections of the ceiling with timber 2x4s while I formed fibreglass and plaster “straps” from the top surface of the ceiling over the ceiling joists. This is the traditional approach for this style ceiling (although we use fibreglass rovings now instead of horse hair!) - big contrast to modern ceilings which use adhesive and plasterboard screws.

I noticed that every time I got into the roof space the ceiling surrounding the access hole would sag and further crack, so I added extra framing to better support the opening.

I then hopped up on a ladder and tried my best to plaster over some of the most severe ceiling waves and bumps, and fill a lot of the big cracks. With the 3.2m ceilings this was a lot of reaching from a tall ladder, and lots of rounds of plastering and sanding.

I filled all the smaller cracks with a caulking gun, and then I could finally paint. I’m so happy it’s done - on to the next room 😀

#renovation #painting #oldhouses #ceiling #longposts

Last updated 2 years ago