@dondcz Petr Koubský jako čestný host ;) Četl jsi jeho poslední #longread? https://denikn.cz/1226136/sigma-diry-pi-diry-kulova-krava-vynikajici-prace-ceskych-vedcu-a-proc-je-popularizace-vedy-tezka/?ref=list
This week’s best alternative long read for me. We were never in control. “The difference between humans and other species is that greed for us is as much an instinct, as it is an institutionalized, perennialized and sophisticated economic system which controls every aspect of our daily needs, and every corresponding natural resource catering to these.” #longread #Greed https://tsakraklides.com/2023/04/07/we-were-never-in-control/
Heartbreaking. Profoundly moving. Thank God for the Ayalas, and for the broader #disabilityawareness activists have fought for. #longread #disability #institutionalization
#disabilityawareness #longread #disability #institutionalization
With pieces like this, I keep coming back to an essay I read years ago by @pluralistic about anti-vaxxers. Their conclusions about the dangers of vaccines may be nonsensical, but their general mistrust of medical, scientific and government institutions is not necessarily misplaced. This #longread makes a very similar point about #conspiracytheories and government secrecy, especially as the internet makes such secrecy impossible to maintain indefinitely.
The Early History of Counting: How ancient peoples learned to keep a tally. #longread and worth it https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/early-history-counting
Překlad článku Ross Andersen / The Atlantic o #AI v #tydenikrespekt
Osobně osciluji mezi nadšením, panikou a popíráním.
„Předchozí technologické revoluce bylo možné zvládnout i proto, že se odehrávaly během života několika generací“
„hodiny strávené za volantem Uberu je naplňují méně, než naplňovala jejich předchůdce výroba automobilů nebo oceli.. Jak se podobná krize identity projeví na půdorysu vzdělanostní třídy... s sebou však přinese velký hněv“
https://www.respekt.cz/tydenik/2023/35/vedi-vubec-co-delaji?gift=n7yhr3dotv 🔓 #longread
Artificial intelligence, he came to believe, was an “index of the insanity of our world.”
(Also available as Podcast)
#OpenSource in Environmental #Sustainability
Preserving #climate and natural resources with openness
#opensource #sustainability #climate #longread
"The brown dog tick, one of the species that transmits Rocky Mountain spotted fever, becomes more aggressive toward humans in seeking blood meals in hotter, drier climates, such as that in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States, said Backus, who led a 2021 study that found that the ticks are twice as likely to choose humans over dogs when temperatures rise."
#publichealth #IDMastodon #primarycare #climate #climatechange #longread
#publichealth #IDMastodon #primarycare #Climate #ClimateChange #longread
Fascinating #longread about the #water problems of #Jordan - it's a desert country that's growing fast, devoting little to conservation (90% of rainfall is lost, 50% of piped water disappears as leaks or thefts) and has no plan for the future.
"Dust reveals that the home’s sanctity is a fiction: it threatens its status as a haven from the outside world. The battle against it looks trivial, but subconsciously the stakes are existential."
King of condoms: The man trying to make contraception sexy #longread https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jun/27/man-who-wants-to-make-condoms-sexy-durex
The Long Struggle of India’s Sanitation Workers
For centuries, the caste system has forced Dalit laborers to handle human waste in deadly conditions. Now they are rising up.
#ManualScavenging #SanitationWorkers #dalits #caste #CasteDiscrimination #CasteViolence #untouchability #inequality #HumanRights #labour #india #LongRead
#ManualScavenging #sanitationworkers #dalits #caste #castediscrimination #casteviolence #untouchability #inequality #humanrights #labour #india #longread
Acht klontjes suiker in de koffie – dat is vrijheid in een tbs-kliniek
Het Nederlandse tbs-stelsel stokt de laatste jaren. NRC liep drie dagen mee in de Van Mesdag-kliniek in Groningen. Hoe werkt #tbs in de praktijk?
Are hedge fund pioneers facing the end of a golden era? | FT #longread https://on.ft.com/3P6JxKf
how a 2021 change in the leadership of the carpenters union produced the biggest change in California housing policy in decades
#LongRead sur Elon Musk, et notamment son énorme pouvoir militaire via Starlink (SpaceX) https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/28/elon-musks-shadow-rule?currentPage=all 👀
The unique human misery that is uniquely possible in a #theocracy. The US helped to establish this one, at least indirectly, and I truly worry about theocratic forces here, too. It could absolutely happen here. Some might argue, in fact, that with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, legislative movements against LGBTQ+ rights, and the stated intentions of some conservatives to go after birth control next, it has already begun. #Iran #newyorker #longread
#theocracy #iran #newyorker #longread
The AI Act enters the Trilogue. What's at stake? What are the positions of the relevant actors? And how is big tech trying to influence these (in)famously opaque deliberations?
FILIP KONOPCZYNSKI with a #longread for the weekend: