Sharon Gascoigne · @sharongascoigne
1359 followers · 3762 posts · Server
Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2463 followers · 1188 posts · Server

Day 15:

The mists of time run deep; the ebbs and flows of the wyrd span the course of human history.

, is the magical heart of the -- the village derives it's name from the great that was known as the Mōtstán [ ᛗᚩᛏᛋᛏᚪᚾ ] or Meeting Stone.

Legend says that is where the Kings of the Island (the Wihtwalda [ ᚹᛁᚻᛏᚹᚪᛚᛞᚪ ] ) were chosen by at the Island witenagemot [ ᚹᛁᛏᛖᚾᚪᚷᛖᛗᚩᛏ ]

People believe that cries of the slaughtered souls from the last and of the Island can be heard at this time of the year. The Ghosts and shades of the past make their way to Meeting Stone; the lefthand side of the stone is known as the Weeping Skirt. Island still go there today to pay their respects.

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Last updated 2 years ago