Started playing #TerraNill. Fun, BUT like most the 'eco' games I see, this has NO people doing ANYTHING but instead is based on the concept of imaginary future-tech being able to completely rehabilitate a planet the humans have destroyed...
This is not #SolarPunk this is #LongTermerism at its worst.
Sadly, it feels like games like this are intended to make those capable of doing better for the planet decide to just put their hope in Tomorrow so they can continue to consume #corporate today
#terranill #solarpunk #longtermerism #corporate
"Civilisation was a mistake" you tell me, via Writing, on the Internet, and clearly not living by your words and instead lording it over those of us who enjoy heating and medicine.
I don't see you going off to live the Hunter Gatherer lifestyle either because deep down you know you'll be dead by the first winter (and anyway, that Earth is long gone)
It's also Ableist as fuck, and you're condemning billions to starvation and death for your Utopia.
Practically #Longtermerism really...
#EffectiveAltruism / #Longtermerism is just dressed up #eugenics and #SocialDarwinism for the #billionaire class.
#effectivealtruism #longtermerism #eugenics #SocialDarwinism #billionaire
#EffectiveAltruism / #Longtermerism is just dressed up #eugenics and #SocialDarwinism for the #billionaire class.
#effectivealtruism #longtermerism #eugenics #SocialDarwinism #billionaire
Eugenics has been rebranded "#Longtermerism" and both the #Tories and #Labour want in on it.
Nothing wrong with preparing for a better future but the question is WHOSE FUTURE?
#longtermerism #tories #labour
#EffectiveAltruism (especially #longtermerism) can be summarized as way too many rich dudes grew up with the Terminator franchise and now want to cosplay being John Connor to stop the robot uprising.
#effectivealtruism #longtermerism