Learning about the #Longtermist philosophical movement.
Why does the dominator culture always break everything into pieces then either/or those pieces?
First Nations philosophy is Remember the Generations. honor & recognize the sacrifices & efforts of those who came before so your current decisions will benefit current AND future generations simultaneously - and be worthy of similar honor. It's not an either/or thing.
It would be entirely consistent with the #EA #Longtermist #NeoFascist worldview to push for a public halt ⃰ to AI research right at the point when they think we’re on the verge of the “singularity” because they want to be the only ones determining how “humanity” comes out the other side.
If one were to believe the singularity bullshit, that would be terrifying.
*: which they do not honor themselves https://ourislandgeorgia.net/@Wolven/110126952376947645
@david @PaulNickson @WatchingTVnFilm @GlennMG
Yeah we already know about his #Longtermist leanings. It's crappy, delusional, and horrifying.
The hope for a shared #human priority, seeking a balanced functional #ecological spaceship integration is laughed at, criticized and disregarded as impossible #utopian and naive. I get that. But..... as apposed to what? Nothing? What's the counter? What's the rational realistic desired #future you #hope for? Is #infinite #growth on a finite space ship #realistic and #sensible ? Are you a default #longtermist like Musk, hoping to be able to leave the spaceship and spread out into the universe? Is a fictitious superhero creator who made a filter test for us to populate a heaven rational?
#human #ecological #utopian #future #hope #infinite #growth #realistic #sensible #longtermist
When talking about #longtermism it's utterly crucial to remember that we're not talking about FUTURE people, we're talking about HYPOTHETICAL people.
'Future' presumes they're actually going to happen. In fact the likelihood of any scenario remotely resembling the #longtermist future is vanishingly small.
So #longtermists are willing to sacrifice billions of now-living people for a bizarre, essentially counter-factual fantasy.
#longtermism #longtermist #longtermists