Fishing Without Bait 378: Dealing with Addiction with Tara V
#RecoveryJourney #AddictionSurvivor #12StepCommunity #SpiritualAwakening #LongTermRecovery #OvercomingChallenges #PersonalStory
#recoveryjourney #addictionsurvivor #12stepcommunity #spiritualawakening #longtermrecovery #overcomingchallenges #personalstory
One of the hardest things about my recovery has been facing down all of the really bad decisions I had made over the years and blamed on other people. It is rough owing one's shit, but well worth it.
Here's a repost of a blog post from a few years ago.
#RecoveryIsPossible #SoberIsSexy #LongTermRecovery
#recoveryispossible #soberissexy #longtermrecovery