Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
3113 followers · 9835 posts · Server zirk.us

Unsurprisingly, as thinks absence from the labour market due to is the major underlying cause of shortages of , the are looking to reform work capability assessments so as to 'encourage' more of the long term sick back into work;

they think this is helping people who aspire to get back to work to find appropriate work, critics see this as a vindictive targeting of the vulnerable.

Given the moral record, I'll leave you to decide which?

#jeremyhunt #longtermsickness #workers #tories

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
3076 followers · 9706 posts · Server zirk.us

Q. what do related absences & have in common?

Both (in part) suggest our society is dysfunctional for an increasing proportion of our population.

Certainly there are immediate causes (from exam related stress to long ), but what both trends reveal is a system that puts (further) pressure on the absentees & sees them as the problem, not the system itself.

Rather we need to see our social structures & practices as the underlying cause(s)!

#mentalhealth #school #longtermsickness #waitinglists

Last updated 1 year ago