Had my first real good session with Jedi Survivor and I have THOUGHTS.
The Cal/BD-1 dynamic rules and continues to be a real highlight for me.
Jedi abilities in combat are ridiculously fun, this game makes wild moves seem effortless.
I’m glad I got to a non-city planet pretty soon. The blade runnery sci fi city looks cool but I much prefer exploring more natural environments in this.
I was playing before today’s patch and jeez people weren’t kidding when they said perf was wonky. It’s silky smooth at times, but some whole areas feel like trudging through tar. The transition from cut scene to gameplay is really jarring too.
Hopefully today’s patch makes some meaningful difference. 60fps looks so much nicer when it’s working, but I’m starting to get the impression this game was designed around 30 and 60 was an afterthought.
I’m gonna keep playing regardless though because outside performance it’s so good.
#gaming #longtoot #playstation5
Does anyone else have trouble with toot length in the fediverse?
Too terse and nuance is sacrificed making a toot sound rude. To long and the toot will be skipped over. "Just right" varies widely by individual. Then there is the physical limitation imposed by the application used.
#tootlength #shorttoot #longtoot
#toots #longtoot #toot #fediverse
@t0nyyates How is that possible? Does the character limit depend on the instance? #LongToot #500characters #1250characters
#longtoot #500characters #1250characters
'sounds like a French horn (I'm referring to farts) that'll never stop, then abruptly does:]
Not advocating a parlimentary government—if you read on—but in one, they pass the laws, and then law enforcement and judges apply them. I'm not sure about other countries', but the USA's constituition needs to be amended so laws cannot get passed without pre-approval of the Supreme Court. It's imbecilic to wait for an unjust law to be challenged by a victim of its enforcement, instead of getting the court's approval BEFORE the unjustice occurred. Why would we let Senators, who are popularly voted in, decide what is just and right and good when there's an entire branch of the government that ultimately—and I'm referring to the Dude, sorry, I mean the Supreme Court, here—determibes what is just and right and good under the Constituition. Why call in the Justices after the fact?
[and here's that #aftertoot that often follows the aforetooted]
And if your answer is "it's a system of checks and balances," how about we only keep the checks and balances that don't defeat the values the document lays at its foundation. #politicalscience #politicaltheory #constitutionallaw #longtoot
#aftertoot #politicalscience #politicaltheory #constitutionallaw #longtoot
[I've got a long toot: like one of those 'sounds like a French horn (I'm referring to farts) that'll never stop, then does abruptly does:]
Not advocating a parlimentary government—if you read on—but in one, they pass the laws, and then law enforcement and judges apply them. I'm not sure about other countries', but the USA's constituition needs to be amended so laws cannot get passed without pre-approval of the Supreme Court. It's imbecilic to wait for an unjust law to be challenged by a victim of its enforcement, instead of getting the court's approval BEFORE the unjustice occurred. Why would we let Senators, who are popularly voted in, decide what is just and right and good when there's an entire branch of the government that ultimately—and I'm referring to the Dude, sorry, I mean the Supreme Court, here—determibes what is just and right and good under the Constituition. Why call in the Justices after the fact?
[and here's that #aftertoot that often follows the aforetooted]
And if your answer is "it's a system of checks and balances," how about we only keep the checks and balances that don't defeat the values the document lays at its foundation. #politicalscience #politicaltheory #constitutionallaw #longtoot
#aftertoot #politicalscience #politicaltheory #constitutionallaw #longtoot