To paraphrase The History Boys, with a little smidge of Battlestar Galactica, ‘Anxiety! It’s just one frakking thing after another!’ #LookAfterYourself
Speaking as someone who's spent the last few years up to my neck in politics on a daily basis: it's OK to wish to retreat from politics if you're burned out from it and need some happiness in your life.
Do not listen to any supposed progressives who try to guilt trip you that checking out means you're "privileged" and "don't care about vulnerable people".
No one is unbreakable, and there is no moral duty to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. #LookAfterYourself
Had a spa day today with 3 good friends. It’s the first time since the covid lockdown and it was so good. #FeelAmazing #spa #relax #LookAfterYourself
#feelamazing #SpA #relax #lookafteryourself