Heute ist ein Auto von #AppleMaps #LookAround an mir vorbei gefahren, als ich auf dem Fahrrad war und ich freue mich schon auf das neue Profilbild mit Stinkefinger.
Apple Maps Österreich: Update wird aktuell getestet
Gute Nachrichten für Apple Maps Österreich. Auch in dieser Region werden endlich die neuen, detaillierteren, Karten getestet.
Es ist mittlerweile Jahre her. Im Jahr 2018 gemeinsam mit iOS 12 hat Apple neue, detaillierte Karten für seinen K
#News #Services #AppleKarten #Karten #Kroatien #LookAround #Polen #Slowenien #Tschechien #Ungarn #Update
#News #services #applekarten #karten #kroatien #lookaround #polen #slowenien #tschechien #Ungarn #update
#Boston #harborIslands and the #provincetown fast #ferry (I think) #inflightentertainment
(And as usual I'm about the only person with my windowshade open) #LookAround
#boston #harborislands #provincetown #ferry #inflightentertainment #lookaround
#AppleMaps now has pretty good coverage of #LookAround (their version of #StreetView) in The Netherlands and it works beautifully, except you can only access it from the "Explore" view, not Satellite, and that view sucks. Not enough colours, not enough contrast, not enough detail! Also, and for the same reasons, the Look Around highlights don't stand out enough. And it's hard to drop the binoculars precisely, especially combined with zooming/scrolling.
#applemaps #lookaround #streetview
Your life has no value to these people. McCarthy and McConnell meeting with Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and others at the White house.
#CommonSense #LookAround #DeepState
#commonsense #lookaround #deepstate
Swallow the sun
#kitteh #jeffie #storytelling #tuesdayvibe #webcomics #webcomichat #comicbookhour #comics #destruction #Aftermath #Illusions #normal #Perfect #shatter #mentalHealth #story #edges #lookaround #TuesdayMotivaton #vibecheck
#kitteh #jeffie #storytelling #tuesdayvibe #webcomics #webcomichat #comicbookhour #comics #destruction #aftermath #illusions #normal #perfect #shatter #mentalhealth #story #edges #lookaround #tuesdaymotivaton #vibecheck
So, #Apple rolled out their #StreetView clone called #LookAround in #Germany...
You can send a request to censor your house, face or car to
#apple #streetview #lookaround #germany
Apple bringt mit #Lookaround einen Google StreetView Konkurrenzdienst: Hoffentlich haben sie für Deutschland direkt auch an das Widerspruchsformular gedacht 😁