後回しにするとどうしようもなくなる(かもしれない)Looker Studioの権限を理解する
#qiita #初期設定 #権限管理 #LookerStudio
#qiita #初期設定 #権限管理 #lookerstudio
#LookerStudio - Blog post
Interactive funnel report to change displayed metrics between:
- Step drop-off Vs Funnel drop-off (cumulative)
- Absolute values Vs rates
Article: https://bit.ly/3QbAJDX
#LookerStudio companion - New feature teasing
Obfuscation of report text contents
Planed for July:
A useful feature to hide confidential data avoiding wide blur areas.
Perfect to capture & store snapshots in your data viz portfolio.
To stay tuned: https://bit.ly/3JTDbLe
Inzichten uit third-party data verdwijnen in rap tempo. Daarom is het tijd voor een andere datastrategie. Met BigQuery en Looker Studio ga je aan de slag. https://frankwatching.com/archive/2023/07/13/bigquery-looker-studio-datastrategie/ #Datastrategie #BigQuery #LookerStudio
#lookerstudio #bigquery #datastrategie
#LookerStudio #GA4 connector just got so huge update in the number of new dimensions and metrics, that it takes a while just to scroll through the list :)
#LookerStudio - New update - June 14-15, 2023
Important update of the #GA4 native connector
More than 170 fields added:
- Landing page
- Session & user conversion rate by event
- User conversion rate
- Time dimensions like hour or ISO week
- Page location
It's time to refresh your GA4 data sources
#GoogleAnalytics #DataStudio
#lookerstudio #ga4 #googleanalytics #datastudio
I enjoyed participating as a guest to Data Driven U program dedicated to learn how to build a marketing datamart.
A nice opportunity to talk about #LookerStudio & #BigQuery.
Thank you very much Jeff Sauer for the invitation.
The magic of our community striked again:
We met in real life few months ago at Superweek,
then I put a comment on one of your meme about LS & BQ.
And at last, we shared a really nice moment with your team and your involved trainees. ❤️ 🙌
After weeks learning to use #PiwikPro & data collection,
Now, I'm cooking some dashboards and viz tools to leverage data in #LookerStudio. 😉
Very promising. Fast learning curse & real benefits for an important segment of website owners.
#DigitalAnalytics will be plural in the following years and Piwik Pro will play a part.
To get more use cases, I will free up time to propose my freelance services to new PMEs projects based on Piwik Pro (core plan) + Looker Studio
To be continued.
#piwikpro #lookerstudio #digitalanalytics
#LookerStudio release - May 18, 2023
New feature to pause data updates when editing report.
A way to minimize data requests.
Happy to see this feature, included few months ago in my Chrome extension, is now a LS built-in feature. I need now to remove it from LS companion 🧹
With #LookerStudio - Newsletter
The second issue of "With Looker Studio" newsletter is sent and available:
- Release note of April 17
- My latest blog post
- Just-for-fun shared report
Content & subscription:
#LookerStudio - Blog post
Let's take advantage of the new #sparkline feature for scorecard with this custom recipe
How to build your custom version with adaptative time granularity
#LookerStudio blog post
Optimize your data pixel ratio avoiding data label for each line dot.
#LookerStudio - Just-for-fun shared report
For infographics with dynamic data.
Changing the position of a picture following dynamic data
- Lines for perspective grids
- Parameters & sliders to move the bikes
- Bar charts for the trails of bike light
- Table charts for the dynamic position of bikes
- Pictures
Nothing will derezzed🎵
Here the link to access to the report and play with the sliders to move bikes
#LookerStudio - New release - April 17-20, 2023
Scorecard chart can now include sparkline & comparison elements
I've just sent the first issue of my newsletter about #LookerStudio contents.
Several nice people at the #superweek event convinced me to create a newsletter with my blog, to share content directly to readers & not just through social networks.
Thanks guys. I listened you :)
If there's an app data stream in #ga4 property, first_open event will be auto-enabled as a conversion event and the unset will be disabled.
This affects the [e-commerce] conversion rate in Explorations and #LookerStudio [since it's not possible to select a specific conversion event, like in regular reports or API].
Or am I missing something here?! ;-)
#LookerStudio release note - April 10, 2023
- Sankey chart
- Preset filter & button control
- Chart zoom & pan
- New features for mail/scheduled delivery
Nice to see through this release #LookerStudio new developments for various aspects of the tool:
- viz type
- controls
- exploration
- communication
Looker Studio team, keep it up!
#LookerStudio - New release - April 13, 2023
2 new noticed features:
- Preset filter and button control to include buttons with various custom actions
- Chart zoom for exploration
#LookerStudio - Exploration of viz solution
Just being inspired by Tableau community & Sir Andy Kriebel about jittered bar chart.
I built my own version on Looker Studio with basic scatter chart, combined to 2 or 3 tricks.
A nice chart type to keep safe the usage of top average against outliers.
#lookerstudio #neverstoplearning
#LookerStudio - Blog post
How to get #GA4 conversion rate and any event metrics in your reports, with the native Looker Studio connector
#lookerstudio #ga4 #googleanalytics4