Why can't that #GhastlyDarrenGrimes just have a #CraftyWank (again)... | #LookNoQuestionMark #AndOtherRhetoricalQuestions
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#ghastlydarrengrimes #craftywank #looknoquestionmark #andotherrhetoricalquestions
I'll #AlsoAlsoAdd...
#QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool...
"Parler does still seem to attract a #VerySpecial kind of #Lunatic, aye #MisterDen..." | #LookNoQuestionMark
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πππ¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήππ
#alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool #veryspecial #lunatic #misterden #looknoquestionmark
#WhateverHappenedToMasonVerger... | #LookNoQuestionMark #AndOtherRhetoricalQuestions
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#whateverhappenedtomasonverger #looknoquestionmark #andotherrhetoricalquestions
Can you #Remember what you were #Doing at the #2021Insurrection, #MisterDen...
You weren't #Attending #P01135809's #SuperSpreaderEvent, were you...
#LookNoQuestionMark | #AndOtherRhetoricalQuestions
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βπ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ β
#remember #doing #2021insurrection #misterden #attending #p01135809 #superspreaderevent #looknoquestionmark #andotherrhetoricalquestions
#WhoKnows... #IT #MightNeverHappen... | #LookNoQuestionMark
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π π¦Ήβπ¦βπ¦Ήπ
#whoknows #it #mightneverhappen #looknoquestionmark #donteatyellowsnow
Can we send him to the #PrisonPlanet, #Mars, with #SpaceKarenX or #ThatOtherGuy... | #LookNoQuestionMark
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήβ
#prisonplanet #mars #spacekarenx #thatotherguy #looknoquestionmark
I'm #Good, #Thanks... #BorderlineFabulous...
#Welcome to your #NewInstance; #SettleIn #AtYourOwnPace...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πΈπ¦Ήπ₯π¦π₯π¦ΉπΈ
#looknoquestionmark #good #thanks #borderlinefabulous #welcome #newinstance #settlein #atyourownpace
The current #NHSRecruitmentCrisis... #IT's a #NastyBusiness, aye... | #LookNoQuestionMark
#IT didn't used to be...
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈ π§ | βπ¦Ήπ« π¦π«π¦Ήβ
#ohyes #right #nhsrecruitmentcrisis #it #nastybusiness #looknoquestionmark
#Language and #Signalling is #ConstantlyEvolving, innit... | #LookNoQuestionMark
#PlumAndRusty /#WL
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#meanwhile #language #signalling #constantlyevolving #looknoquestionmark #plumandrusty
I'm #JustGunner #TrySomething...
#IT #MightNotWork; but... #ITMight...
We won't #Know; until #WeTry, aye... | #LookNoQuestionMark #NoHarmNoFoul
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | ππ π¦Ήπ¦ π¦Ήπ π
#justgunner #trysomething #it #mightnotwork #itmight #know #wetry #looknoquestionmark #noharmnofoul
#OhGood... #MyTime is not #CompletelyWasted, then... | #LookNoQuestionMark
Is it #CocktailTime, yet...? We've got #Olives
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πΈπ¦Ήπ₯₯π¦π₯₯π¦ΉπΈ
SeΓ±or Coconut - El Baile Aleman (A Latin Tribute to Kraftwerk)
#ohgood #mytime #completelywasted #looknoquestionmark #cocktailtime #olives
#IWonder for #HowMuchLonger the #NHS expects to be able to pay for #Professionals in #ClapsAndCakeAndBadges... | #LookNoQuestionMark
#IT's certainly not #Worth #ComingOut of #Retirement for because of #AllTheRisk
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βοΈπ°π«π¦π«π°βοΈ
#randomthought #iwonder #howmuchlonger #nhs #professionals #clapsandcakeandbadges #looknoquestionmark #it #worth #comingout #retirement #alltherisk
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π π¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπ
Solomun - Black Coffee - Jeremy Olander β Novocaine For Soul
#Oopsie | #Parler does still seem to attract a #VerySpecial kind of #Lunatic, aye #MisterDen... | #LookNoQuestionMark
Are we #TinaTurnerReady...?
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#oopsie #parler #veryspecial #lunatic #misterden #looknoquestionmark #tinaturnerready