Does anyone here use #Loomio ?
Its ok if you did not, or even if you only tried it. I still think its an amazing piece of free software collaboration.
Im so proud to have donated some money to its initial fundraising.
“Fostering deliberation would require platforms that encourage long-term and in-depth interaction with arguments and less 'communicative plenty'“
Fair comment. I do find that conversations on Discourse forums or Loomio groups are more likely to go deep, and lead to covergent outcomes, then even the most constructive chats here. I haven't used, but I've read impressive things about its by #g0v for vTaiwan.
#g0v #discourse #loomio #deliberation #vtaiwan
@Brendanjones @dajb the short answer is a mix of Loomio vote types. Best bet is to look at the Threads discussion which contains three votes around it (multiple choice, ranked vote and a yes/no with hidden outcome): (there's a separate discussion about how #Loomio threads can get too long!).
The discussion on limiting has now spawned a discussion about limiting #Loomio threads.
I am not making this up!
I am however being very misleading in my presentation 😉
Really cool to have close to 100 people already voting on the #SocialCoop instance policy vis-a-vis Threads. We use #Loomio for these kinds of decisions. There's always room for improvement, but I'm just glad we have participatory processes for policies that affect all users of the server.
For lack of an obvious means to automate it with #Loomio, I decided to ask people to start comments with "Block" in case they wish to block, and if that happens, we calculate the results manually.
Bylaws > Software
I'm trying to figure out a procedural question, which involves #Loomio . I had a list of options for a ranked choice vote. However, the bylaws for #SocialCoop require a block option, and that is weighted much more heavily than a regular vote. I'm not sure how to handle that in a ranked choice vote.
@how just looked at the #FediPact site. Quite a few instance admins have signed up.
A major fedi split is coming, ties broken in people's personal social graphs. It is as it is.
At @SocialCoop a large and reasoned #Loomio discussion is underway. It is great to see the level of involvement that #SocialCoop governance policies bring to its fedizens.
Yet, depending on outcome people will have to make personal decisions. Where they are in the upcoming #BigRift
#fedipact #loomio #socialcoop #bigrift
Se demande pourquoi #Loomio n'est pas disponible sur yunohost ? Est-ce une raison technique ?
Connaissez-vous des alternatives à loomio sur ce sujet de la prise de décision collective, en temps long et asynchrone?
Yep les masto!
Bon, j'ai besoin de conseils:
Pour une #asso de quartier, on cherche des outils web. J'ai pensé à #matrix pour le chat, et #loomio pour le forum/vote.
Ça m'emmerde un peu, parce que si le quartier d'à côté veut faire pareil, on pourra pas se fédérer entre nous (par loomio), c'est naze!
J'ai cherché un peu parmi le #fediverse, j'ai testé #friendica, mais ça remplace pas vraiment loomio. Peut-être que #kbin ou #lemmy peut faire le café ?
Si vous avez d'autres pistes, je prends !
#asso #matrix #loomio #fediverse #friendica #kbin #lemmy
Need a tool to power up your democratic governance?
Anyone can now #selfhost #Loomio with @cloudron #cloudron #selfhosting
#SelfHosting #cloudron #loomio #selfhost
Hello #nextcloud people. Two questions my lovely #FOSS friends.
1. How fast and big a server do you need to have a talk video meeting with 10-15 participants?
2. Is there a plugin that will mimic #loomio? I have seen that #mattermost is supported, but that is a bit too live action, instant messaging for what I want.
I ask because a group I'm involved in uses nextcloud for document storage, loomio (not self hosted) for discussions and zoom for meetings. I'd like to put it all on our own server for data protection, cost and ease of use reasons. One issue is the group are quite technophobic, so they would need the migration to be super smooth to go for it
#nextcloud #FOSS #loomio #mattermost
The initial app package for #loomio is ready for testing
Wczorajsza dyskusja o tym, jakie narzędzie #Fediwersum/#OpenSource może zastąpić grupy FB ( uświadomiła mi, że najważniejszym pytaniem na samym początku nie są sprawy techniczne (funkcjonalność, dojrzałość, dostępność itd.), ale... jakie potrzeby mają realizować ludzie za pomocą tego narzędzia. To od tego pytania powinno się zacząć, mówiąc o alternatywach do Facebooka.
Bo jakie potrzeby ludzie załatwiają za pomocą FB? Oprócz oczywistych, skupię się na tych najważniejszych:
- potrzeba przynależności
- potrzeba akceptacji
- potrzeba uznania, docenienia
- potrzeba stymulacji, pobudzenia
- potrzeba wspólnoty, więzi
- potrzeba uwagi, bycia zauważanym
- potrzeba współpracy
- potrzeba partnerstwa
- potrzeba szczerości
- potrzeba opieki
- potrzeba zabawy, humoru
- potrzeba inspiracji
- potrzeba ...
Grupy FB, jako konkretny kanał komunikacji, załatwiają ludziom któreś z tych potrzeb (każdemu trochę inne). Myśląc o zastąpieniu grup FB jakimś narzędziem #Fedi/Open Source, warto zdecydować, które z tych potrzeb chcemy zapewniać w największym stopniu. Inne #potrzeby zapewni #forum internetowe #Discourse, inne czat #Matrix, a inne #Mastodon czy Friendica, a inne #Nextcloud.
Czyli trzeba zacząć od rozmów z ludźmi o tym, czego potrzebują. Wtedy - bazując na swojej wiedzy o narzędziach internetowych - można dobrać najtrafniejsze narzędzie.
To oczywiste - ale potrzebowałem parę godzin refleksji, żeby do tego dojść! 😎
#Facebook #bezFecebooka - #Hometown #Glitchsoc #Calckey #Misskey #Friendica #Bonfire #Hubzilla #Soapbox #Loomio #Mobilizon #GroupsIO #Framalistes #FramaSoft
#fediwersum #fedi #potrzeby #forum #discourse #matrix #mastodon #nextcloud #facebook #bezfecebooka #hometown #glitchsoc #calckey #misskey #friendica #bonfire #hubzilla #soapbox #loomio #mobilizon #groupsio #framalistes #framasoft
@DavidBlue @fediversereport Social.Coop uses #Loomio, but the same functionality would be helpful... I submitted a feature request to their GitHub!
Laughing at myself. I had been hearing about this collaboration software and had unsuccessfully looked for it a few times. I just realized I had been googling "lumio" instead of "loomio" #loomio
It turns out I already had an account on since 2017 due to #ECA and I had completely forgotten.
Tomorrow there's #DecentSocial so here I come.
(I'll keep being indecent, though hopefully not indecente. Sorry to disappoint from the start.)
Does anyone use mastodon as an #SSO provider? Ideally we would like to allow members of our instance to use their masto account to log in to a #MediaWiki and #Loomio instance rather than having three accounts, but I have never tried doing SSO before and can't really find any examples. help plz? boost welcome
Mastodon is part of a radically different eco system for social networking.
As users begin migrating to the noncommercial fediverse, they need to reconsider their expectations for social media — and bring them in line with what we expect from other arenas of social life. We need to learn how to become more like engaged democratic citizens in the life of our networks.
Scalability explains a lot of what seems wrong with social media.
#democracy #twitter #loomio #mastodon