Heb een setje #LoopEarplugs besteld. Nu gekozen voor de Quiet, kan ik die testen met slapen.
Mochten ze goed bevallen, dan wil ik ook de Epxerience Plus bestellen, fijn voor concerten en feestjes etc.
Mensen hier er al ervaring mee?
@HeyLaiverd #loopearplugs https://www.loopearplugs.com/products/engage
Bedank me later.
Neck fan on and #LoopEarplugs in. Time to fly! #ActuallyAutistic #Travel
#loopearplugs #actuallyautistic #travel
These came
Thus far I haven't tested their noise canceling but they're very comfortable #loopearplugs
I love these little ear plugs. They have worked into my life in ways I never considered when I first got them, but I now own several pairs and always have one in my pocket just-in-case the mood strikes me.
(Not an affiliate, just a fan)
#reviews #loopearplugs #productivity #gadgets
My #LoopEarPlugs arrived today, but I'm really struggling with putting them in my ear, and I'm desperate for help.
All the guides show people popping their #Loops in, rotate, and they're done in under a second, but I just cannot get it right. I feel incredibly stupid that I cannot get this right after hours of trying.
I have issues with dexterity which can't be helping, but I'm wondering if someone would be kind enough to slowly step-by-step explain the process to me.
Which way should they enter? How deep should they go in? Which way do I rotate? How far do I rotate them? How do I know when I've put them in correctly?
I've already changed to the smallest tips (took me half an hour of fiddling around), so I don't think that's the issue, I think it's simply a lack of detailed instructions at a slow pace so I can understand.
Thank you.
@stephen @actuallyautistic I have TWO pairs because I needed backup in case I misplace the first set! I LOVE and DEPEND on them!
They just debuted two new designs, STARDUST and SKYDUST, and I'm tempted to get a third set!
They honestly make a difference!
I'm a big fan of #LoopEarplugs !
Got my #loopearplugs today and the world is so quiet now. I wanted to cry.
Review over Loops oordopjes 🐘
#loop #experience #quiet #oordopjes #autisme #adhd #overprikkeling #concentratie #review #LoopEarplugs #LoopExperience #LoopQuiet #LoopEngage #overprikkeld #decibel #angst
Ik had al een tijdje de Loop Experience, heb de Loop Quiet geprobeerd en heb nu ook de Loop Engage Plus. Ik schrijf even een slurfje in de hoop dat anderen er hun voordeel mee kunnen doen
+De soorten+
Loop Experience - €25 - min 18db
Loop Quiet - €15 - min 27db
Loop Engage - €25 - min 16db
#angst #decibel #overprikkeld #loopengage #loopquiet #loopexperience #loopearplugs #review #concentratie #overprikkeling #adhd #autisme #oordopjes #quiet #experience #loop
Can confirm: Loop Earplugs make flying 🛫 slightly more comfortable.
Can confirm: Loop Earplugs make flying 🛫 slightly more comfortable.
Oh io oggi sono andata a fare la spesa con i #loopearplugs #engage e mi è pesato di meno che ci fosse molta gente. Ho evitato di concentrarmi sui miei rumori,sulla vibrazione dei passi e del carrello,ma sono riuscita a distrarmi e a pensare alla spesa :D
Hi 👋 Have any #actuallyautistic people used the #loopearplugs ? Do you like them? Which kind do you have?
#actuallyautistic #loopearplugs