#LOOPERS #ルーパーズ #学園物
So first 50% of Looper is a super slice of life kind of urban fantasy. Like what would you do if you are given the novelty of being a pseudo immortal being whose only real thing you can do is short term gratification. Not what I expected but also pretty good.
What would you do if you can loop a day endlessly? Per Tyler, thrill suicide.
Actually Tyler asked a good question. How do you just casually end up in a restaurant that charges you like, $32,000 AUD per meal? Wouldn't they be super exclusive?
Simon :"Sorry to let you know you are going to relive this day for years, nothing you do will have permanent implications, nothing you buy will stay with you, nothing you eat will- "
Tyler + Hilda : "ヾ(・ω・*)ノ H E D O N I S M ┌(★o☆)┘ T I M E 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜"
"So what is it we need to do to unloop?"
"Nothing, just live through and wait it out. It's a natural disaster."
At 30% into the game, the opening credit rolls. Wild.
Also I'm SUPER keen when the game just tells you how far into the game it is and the progression etc. Helps my planning.
And love it when the biometrics of the characters are not white centric. I'm sure whites are gonna whinge like Redditors every time the universe don't centre themselves around them, but fuck yeah 153cm normality is so awesome after being othered again and again and again irl.
Mad props to Holly. She uses her being stuck in a day loop just make fun wreckless videos but only reckless to herself, consider nothing but memories will be permanent anyway.
I'm excessively terrified by how cheery this squad of time hostages are.
Ahhhh imagine being Leona though. Everyone else are adventuring in day loop, meanwhile she just relives being head butted into unconsciousness by her asshole friend n times.
I'm so glad that finally someone said something about Hilda being a little shit, headbutting people endlessly. Endlessly. Endfuckinglessly.
Some fictional schools sure are overbearing.
Next visual novel: Loopers. I'm getting into it knowing absolutely nothing about it. Guaranteed wild ride.
RT @4GamerNews: キネティックノベル「LOOPERS」,PS4版のショップ特典情報が公開に。A4クリアファイルやアクリルキーホルダーなどを用意
I am starting work on a book that is about LOOPERS (people AND technology), tentatively called, "Loopers: Aesthetics, Technologies, and Creative Practitioners" and will be co-authored with the always awesome Gregory Taylor.
But I need some help!
If you are a #musician or #developer that uses/makes #LOOPERS #loops #looping can you please help? We want to know what you think! Details: https://jeffkaiser.com/loopers/
#musician #developer #loopers #loops #looping
A thread on how to extract insulin from your Omnipod if the need arises.
I put some of this up for an FB group a while back and thought it might be helpful for some folks out here. Yes, I know the official line is if your pod goes bad you just have to throw it out regardless of how much insulin it has in it – that’s a load of hot nonsense. It’s not hard, honest.
@diabetes #diabetes #T1D #insulin #loopers #closedloop #DOC #gbDOC
#gbdoc #doc #closedloop #loopers #insulin #t1d #diabetes