The one-term Senate legacy of #kyrstensinema includes her bond w GOP Filibuster to kill: VotingRightsProtections, workers rights, womens rights, LGBTQ rights, she halved Dems platform and defended/protected Trump's #TaxScam for her own private gain.
Call her #LoopholeLady Not independent. #Arizona
#Arizona #loopholelady #taxscam #kyrstensinema
Another description of SineMAGA who ran on Dem platform in 2018. I call her #HarlanCrowHussy #LoopholeLady #Arizona #VoteHerOut
Shame on #ActBlue
#actblue #voteherout #Arizona #loopholelady #harlancrowhussy
Can't wait to replace Senator #LoopholeLady with Pro-Choice Pro-democracy RubenGallegoForArizona #2024
Senator Sinema #LoopholeLady has fiercely protected every detail of Trump's #GOPTaxScam
Of course #debtceilingdeal cut to IRS auditors who'd collect from her benefactors from top 1-10% was just 1 piece of her Widening the Wealth Gap record. #LoopholeLady #HarlanCrowHussy #ReplaceSinema
#replacesinema #harlancrowhussy #loopholelady #debtceilingdeal
Senator Plutocracy enjoys widening wealth gap. #Sinema Carried Interest #LoopholeLady
ActBlue stillllll helps HarlanCrow's & Hedgefund #LoopholeLady Sinema take from un-informed smaller donors on their "Blue" site😒
@rubengallego Our own #LoopholeLady from AZ don't mind undercutting veterans, seniors, families in need. #SineMAGA
@rbreich @inequalitymedia Pan in on Sinema when Dems applaud any reference to fairness in taxation. #LoopholeLady #SOTU