#HyperPhysic :
"All #dimensions are equal,
but some are more equal"
What was before the #BigBang ?
Does #causality need time?
Time is a curved vector in the 4D #SpaceTime .
Accelerating curves this time vector.
Can we do #interstellar communication by #QuantumEntanglement ?
I prefare #LoopQuantumGravity , the #StringTheory seems to complicated to me.
#Relativity :
If you stick your nose in my but,
you got a nose in a but,
I got a nose in a but,
but my situation is relative better.
#hyperphysic #dimensions #bigbang #causality #spacetime #interstellar #quantumentanglement #loopquantumgravity #stringtheory #relativity
#JuanMaldacena Public #Lecture: The #Meaning of #Spacetime
"What is spacetime, exactly? And how does it impact our understanding of important phenomena in our #Universe?"
#Science #Physics #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Cosmology #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Space #Time #GR #GeneralRelativity #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumFieldTheory #QuantumGravity #LoopQuantumGravity #BlackHoles #Entanglement #PerimiterInstitute
#perimiterinstitute #entanglement #blackholes #loopquantumgravity #quantumgravity #QuantumFieldTheory #quantummechanics #qm #generalrelativity #gr #time #space #PhilosophyOfCosmology #cosmology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #physics #science #universe #spacetime #meaning #lecture #juanmaldacena
The Illusion of space and time which continues around us, is a blurred vision of this swarming of elementary processes.
Just as a calm clear alpine lake consists in reality of a rapid dance of myriads of minuscule water molecules.
#SevenBriefLessonOnPhysics #CarloRovelli
#thegrainsofspace #sevenbrieflessononphysics #carlorovelli #chapter5 #loopquantumgravity
The world described by the theory is thus farther distanced from the one we are familiar.
There is no longer space which contained the world. And there is no longer time in which events occur.
There are only elementary processes wherein quantum space and matter, continually interact with each other.
#SevenBriefLessonOnPhysics #CarloRovelli
#thegrainsofspace #sevenbrieflessononphysics #carlorovelli #chapter5 #loopquantumgravity
The dance of nature does not take place at the rhythm of the baton of a single orchestral conductor at a single tempo.
Every process dances independently with its neighbours to its own rhythm.
The passage of time is internal to the world, is born in the world itself, in the relationship between quantum events that comprise the world and are themselves the source of time.
#SevenBriefLessonOnPhysics #CarloRovelli
#thegrainsofspace #sevenbrieflessononphysics #carlorovelli #chapter5 #loopquantumgravity