프로젝트 문은 지방 정부의 세금을 지원받아 발전한 회사입니다. 우리, 시민이자 유저들은 허황된 고소 위협이 아닌, 회사의 합법적이고 적절한 조치를 바랍니다.
PM is a company that has developed with LOCAL TAX SUPPORT. We the CITIZEN and USERS, hope for legal and appropriate action by PM. NOT A SILLY THREAT TO SUE.
#projectmoon #프로젝트문
#Lobotomy_Corporation #LB #로보토미
#Library_of_Ruina #LOR #라오루
#WonderLab #원더랩 #Leviathan #리바이어던
#LimbusCompany #Limbus_Company #림버스컴퍼니
#프로젝트문_부당해고 #일러스트레이터부당해고
#projectmoon #프로젝트문 #lobotomy_corporation #lb #로보토미 #library_of_ruina #lor #라오루 #wonderlab #원더랩 #leviathan #리바이어던 #limbuscompany #limbus_company #림버스컴퍼니 #프로젝트문_부당해고 #일러스트레이터부당해고
프로젝트 문의 근로자 부당해고와 보호의무 위반 행위를 규탄합니다.
I CRITICIZE to the PM's UNFAIR DISMISSAL and DERELICTION on the duty of employment protection.
또한, 프로젝트 문이 작가님들과의 협업 과정에서 가하였던 착취 행위 역시 규탄합니다.
I ALSO CRITICIZE to the PM's EXPLOITATION when they collaborated with artists.
#projectmoon #프로젝트문
#Lobotomy_Corporation #LB #로보토미
#Library_of_Ruina #LOR #라오루
#WonderLab #원더랩 #Leviathan #리바이어던
#LimbusCompany #Limbus_Company #림버스컴퍼니
#프로젝트문_부당해고 #일러스트레이터부당해고
#projectmoon #프로젝트문 #lobotomy_corporation #lb #로보토미 #library_of_ruina #lor #라오루 #wonderlab #원더랩 #leviathan #리바이어던 #limbuscompany #limbus_company #림버스컴퍼니 #프로젝트문_부당해고 #일러스트레이터부당해고
[라오루]라이브러리 오브 루이나로 심리테스트하기
#Runeterra #LoR Honestly, yea. Definitely my best weapon. That is a total +3/+3, Challenge, and Quick Strike attachments.
*Don't re-upload on non-official platform and non-official NFT
#픽셀아트 #pixelart #aseprite #digitalart #dotpict #gameart #indiegame #LOR #LC #fanart
#픽셀아트 #pixelart #aseprite #digitalart #dotpict #gameart #indiegame #lor #lc #fanart
O assalto a Elms Deep nas Duas Torres é um festim para estes olhos cansados.
"And so it begins."
This season's rank in #LegendsofRuneterra brought to you by the Ruinous Acolyte card #LoR
Было время когда некий товарищ на ЛОРе сомневался в упразднении пульсы: https://www.linux.org.ru/news/hardware/4394314?cid=4395425
Deleted: С откровением вас :) Ждём когда упразднят пульсу.
Sekai: In your dreams.
— 03.01.10
Как время-то поворачивается! :}
#lang_ru #lor #linux #pulseaudio #pipewire
Neues #YouTube Video ist draußen. Wir spielen Freljord Stattsboost Kayle OTK.
Danke an 1_silver6 für den Clip.
#youtube #lor #LegendsOfRuneterra
@kazarnowicz I TRIED to take a good picture of it. But I was only willing to creep so close. Then, Lord Butters, my Pekingese, ran nearby and broke one of the web's moorings loose from the grass, sending the web and spider into a reverberating spin. I jumped and shrieked, "Don't come near me!" as if the spider had ultimate control.
Honestly, I could only think of Frodo and Sam getting caught in Shelob's forest webs! I am pretty sure that spider speaks The Black Speech. #spiders #LOR
@emilyherring you can focus on “this” or on #Beethoven, #Mozart, #Kant, the charter of human rights, #JohnColtrane, #lor #wittgenstein, #emilydickinson #Dostojewski #shakespeare #simonedebeauvoir , #redroses #butterflies #chocolate #cats #🖤
#beethoven #mozart #kant #johncoltrane #lor #wittgenstein #emilydickinson #dostojewski #shakespeare #simonedebeauvoir #redroses #butterflies #chocolate #cats
Sand roses of Shurima.
Visual development for the game Legends of Runeterra. #lol #lor #illustration #blender3d #blender (eevee)
#blender #blender3d #illustration #lor #lol
#lor.sh #mastodon @dump_stack, @skobkin
Не читал lor.sh несколько дней, сейчас собрался прочитать и обнаружил, что https://lor.sh/web/home показывает сообщения только за три дня. Нельзя ли сделать больше, хотя бы 7? А в идеале 30.
#crypto #nft #lor #cryptocurrency @rf
The Lord of the Rings
#crypto #nft #lor #cryptocurrency
https://cng.gumroad.com/l/OurMO <---Large & Alt pack ($3) cg202110 pswd---Ci53289mwV
Fanbox---> https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox/creator/14259
#loli #nsfw #lor #wedding #weekenders
très curieuse de voir à quoi ça ressemble
#LOR #LSDA version soviet