And as a bonus, here's Kitch singing about how his, um, instrument reminds his wife of their honeymoon...
#music #calypso #LordKitchener #GettingDirty #JukeboxFridayNight
#music #calypso #lordkitchener #gettingdirty #JukeboxFridayNight
And as a bonus, here's another transportation song from Kitch, in which our hero gets embroiled in a steamy affair whilst sailing across the Atlantic.
Lord Kitchener - Romance on the Queen Mary
#calypso #music #lordkitchener #tunetuesday #transporttunes
I've got something else for #TransportTunes this #TuneTuesday.
Always time for a bit of Lord Kitchener, right? In this one, Kitch gets terribly lost whilst trying to navigate the Tube system, and commits to walking in future.
Lord Kitchener - The Underground Train
#transporttunes #tunetuesday #calypso #music #lordkitchener #trains #underground
"Jump in the Line (Shake, SeƱora)" is a #calypso song composed by #LordKitchener and best known from a version recorded by vocalist #HarryBelafonte in 1961.
#calypso #lordkitchener #harrybelafonte
Another for #JukeboxFridayNight, or #JukeboxSomeTimeOrOther, and you know I love an opportunity for a bit of Lord Kitchener. And Kitch certainly warrants counting amongst #Changemakers, because:
Firstly, he was a giant in the development of modern calypso, introducing major political commentary into songs for the first time.
Secondly, he also had a formative role in the introduction of calypso - and Caribbean music more generally - into the UK, having a huge cultural influence and also providing links between Britain and the islands for thousands of Caribbean people who came here after the war.
Thirdly, more generally, the impact of the Windrush arriving was immense and transformative for the UK. As I've written about before, Kitch - along with Lord Beginner and Lord Woodbine - travelled on that first voyage, almost exactly 75 years ago (Windrush Day is on the 22nd).
London Is The Place For Me is a song that Kitch wrote to mark the arrival, and performed it onboard the ship at Tilbury Docks.
#JukeboxFridayNight #jukeboxsometimeorother #changemakers #music #calypso #lordkitchener #trinidad
Another law-themed #JukeboxFridayNight, and a change of direction. Off to the opposite end of the Caribbean for legendary calypsonian Lord Kitchener.
Although having said that... by the time Kitch recorded this song, Constable Joe, he was living in England. Alongside two other calypso greats, Lord Beginner and Lord Woodbine, he travelled on the Windrush in 1948.
Anyway, as the song says, "it is my belief that every policeman is a thief". Well said Kitch.
#JukeboxFridayNight #music #calypso #lordkitchener
#TheMorningLine (#Therepatriatedversion - Apologies and appreciation, once more, to #DoS. I can only plead ignorance):
#Television, Little Johnny Jewel
#ChuckProphet, Jesus Was A Social Drinker
#HeyViolet, Brand New Moves
#StVincent, Smoking Section
#HamellOnTrial, Blessed
#AimeeMann, Driving Sideways
#Octopus, Girlfriend
#LordKitchener, Federation
#lordkitchener #octopus #AIMEEMANN #hamellontrial #StVincent #HeyViolet #chuckprophet #television #dos #therepatriatedversion #TheMorningLine
NYJ, born one week before the first broadcast of The Mickey Mouse Club, proud of and excited by living in the second most diverse city in the world. #TheFly #TheFly #JeffGoldblum #InvasionOfTheBodySnatchers #InvasionOfTheBodySnatchers #TheThing #TheThing #AssaultOnPrecinct13 #MyDarlingClementime #TheLadyEve #AMightyWind #BestInShow #mutts #TheReplacements #rupellsparrots #LordKitchener #RayDavies #Cabaretta #congee #TheVillageGreenPreservationSociety #KimonoMyHouse #TheSwordInTheStone #pretzels
#pretzels #theswordinthestone #kimonomyhouse #thevillagegreenpreservationsociety #congee #cabaretta #RayDavies #lordkitchener #rupellsparrots #TheReplacements #mutts #bestinshow #amightywind #theladyeve #mydarlingclementime #assaultonprecinct13 #thething #invasionofthebodysnatchers #jeffgoldblum #thefly