One Ring to Rule them All, crafted by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fire of Orodruin, also known as Mount Doom.
"Musk is obsessed with killing the Twitter name, and transforming the platform into a merger of a moneyless marketplace + public square + video content factory — his everything vision for an everything app."
#lordofthering #Musk #Birdsite
C'est partit pour la découverte de la nouvelle série de cartes #magic j'ai hâte.
#magic #mtcg #magicthegathering #lordofthering #Unboxing #boxbreak
Godsdammit, “You bow to no one” gets me EVERY. TIME.
#sundaymovie #movies #returnoftheking #lordofthering
Also, the “Witch King of Angmar” sounds like he’s breathing through a CPAP. I mean, good on him for getting his apnea addressed (gods know I understand), but is that really the menacing presence Sauron was wanting?
#Nazgul #WitchKingOfAngmar
#LordOfTheRing #ReturnOfTheKing #movies #SundayMovie
#sundaymovie #movies #returnoftheking #lordofthering #WitchKingOfAngmar #nazgul
I’m rewatching LOTR: The Return of The King because, well, holiday weekend, and I’ve reached the part in the battle for Minas Tirith where every time I #smh and then 🤦🏻♂️ because “Theoden King” is basically both the worst motivational speaker AND cavalry tactician in Middle Earth military history.
#sundaymovie #movies #returnoftheking #lordofthering #dumbass #donotchargeelephants #smh
最終的にはトールキンの夢であったようにホビット4人組は生きて故郷に帰る。世界中の自由の民から敬意を払われながら。最も小さい存在にもかかわらず最も仲間を大事にして故郷を大事にするそのリベラルな精神、多様性、寛容こそが世界を救う。 醜く汚い保守では不可能であり保守こそが世界を滅ぼす元凶であり、これを滅ぼさなければならない。
#lordofthering #指輪物語 #ロードオブザリング
#ロードオブザリング #指輪物語 #lordofthering
#lordofthering #ロードオブザリング #指輪物語
#lordofthering #ロードオブザリング #指輪物語
Une des meilleures utilisation de ce template que j'ai vue depuis longtemps.
(avec ici l'explication de l'anecdote réelle :
#meme #starwars #lordofthering #christopherlee #peterjackson
Zó zeg je dat dus. Tolkien leest het gedicht over de ring.
#lordoftherings #lordofthering #ring #tolkien
Hello, time for my #introduction.
I live in #Yorkshire with my girlfriend and two kids. I work in #softwareengineering using #golang.
I like #bookstodon and #film #cinema.
Some random favourite #books
The Crimson Petal and the White by #MichelFaber
A Tale of Two Cities by #CharlesDickens
Some random favourite #films
Letterboxd name: petherin
It might reveal my interests better if I share my recent Google search history!
#introduction #Yorkshire #softwareengineering #golang #bookstodon #film #cinema #books #MichelFaber #charlesdickens #films #Arrival #AMonsterCalls #thething #theelephantman #lordofthering
My LOTRs altered art posters are online. I only made 35 of them. Ten bucks off this week.
#thelordoftherings #lordofthering #lordoftheringsart
#alteredart #repainting #thriftedpainting #lotrcosplayer #lotr #lotrcosplay #lotrmemes #lotrfanart #lotrart #lotrartwork #bilbo #frodo #samwise #gandalf #cosplay #art #artist #painting #repainting #repurposed #recycled #alteredart #daveruinsart #thrifted #vintage #vintageart #thriftedart #nerd #nerdculture
#thelordoftherings #lordofthering #lordoftheringsart #alteredart #repainting #thriftedpainting #lotrcosplayer #lotr #lotrcosplay #lotrmemes #lotrfanart #lotrart #lotrartwork #bilbo #frodo #samwise #gandalf #cosplay #art #artist #painting #repurposed #recycled #daveruinsart #thrifted #vintage #vintageart #thriftedart #nerd #nerdculture
Spending some time this evening to not work on my campaigns and projects and let my mind wander through other worlds for a while. #ttrpg #ForbiddenLand #numenera #lordofthering #onering #Vassen
#ttrpg #ForbiddenLand #numenera #lordofthering #onering #vassen
Petit rituel du soir :)
#SeigneurDesAnneaux #LordOfTheRing #Livre #Book
#seigneurdesanneaux #lordofthering #livre #book
Voici un concentré de tout ce que j'aime voir si ça attire des gens :
📽️ : #startrek #starwars #gameofthrones #thewitcher #lordofthering #mcu #arcane #sherlockholmes
📹 : #squeezie #joueurdugrenier #amixem #natoo #wankilstudio #lacarologie #silentjill #poissonfecond #legrandjd #louannemanshow
📚 : #fantasy #policier #piecedetheatre #roman #essai #fanfictions
🎮 : #thewitcher3 #dishonored #beyondgoodandevil #cyberpunk2077 #lifeistrange #gta #fable
J'ai oublié sûrement oublié des trucs 🥲
#startrek #starwars #gameofthrones #thewitcher #lordofthering #mcu #arcane #sherlockholmes #squeezie #joueurdugrenier #amixem #natoo #wankilstudio #lacarologie #silentjill #poissonfecond #legrandjd #louannemanshow #fantasy #policier #piecedetheatre #roman #essai #fanfictions #thewitcher3 #dishonored #beyondgoodandevil #cyberpunk2077 #lifeistrange #gta #fable
C'est idiot mais j'adore ce genre de vidéo qui prennent les sujets nerd au premier degré juste pour voir :
Peut-on "simplement aller au Mordor en marchant" ?
#lordofthering #filmtheory #Nerdism
C'est idiot mais j'adore ce genre de vidéo qui prennent les sujets nerd au premier degré juste pour voir :
Peut-on "simplement aller au Mordor en marchant" ?
Have some #gandalf for the evening 🤗 #lordofthering #tolkien #drawing #art #leanderZeichnet #lotr
#lotr #LeanderZeichnet #art #drawing #tolkien #lordofthering #gandalf
Bonjour, un #Vendrediecture captivant pour ceux et celles qui veulent connaître les nombreuses influences de #Tolkien
La mise en parallèle de chacune des mythologies avec le récit est vraiment très instructif et éclairant
Mention j'adore pour la superbe édition et les illustrations
#seigneurdesanneaux #lordofthering #nowrereading #lecture #books
#Vendrediecture #tolkien #seigneurdesanneaux #lordofthering #nowrereading #lecture #books