Happy 21st birthday #LordOfTheRingsFellowshipOfTheRing
Good Morning! 🥱 Right Monday you monster let’s do this! 🗡️🔥😄
Have a lovely day! 🤗
#GoodMorning #Monday #Gandalf #LordOfTheRingsFellowshipOfTheRing
#goodmorning #monday #gandalf #lordoftheringsfellowshipofthering
1. #Ghostbusters
2. #TheSecretLifeOfWalterMitty
3. #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
4. #JurassicPark
5. #LordOfTheRingsFellowshipOfTheRing
6. #CaptainAmericaTheWinterSoldier
7. #Batman
My favourite movie of all time (1), two movies that changed my life (2 & 3), the movie I quote from the most (4), the best fantasy movie (5) and the best two comicbook movies (6 & 7).
#7filmstoknowme #ghostbusters #thesecretlifeofwaltermitty #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #jurassicpark #lordoftheringsfellowshipofthering #captainamericathewintersoldier #batman