Just a few shots from an upcoming #LOTRO blog about playing it solo, which is 99% of how I play it.
My #Patreon Crew have it on Early-Access now until it goes live at 3pm UK-time on Friday.
#lotro #patreon #lotrofamily #lordoftheringsonline #mmorpg
#LOTRO's Update 37 is out and the servers are up.
It includes the re-textured human hairstyles - the original ones before the new curly styles were added.
Apparently, style 24 onwards on female humans may be slightly bugged, FYI.
#lotro #lotrofamily #lordoftheringsonline
[New!] I forgot to share this yesterday, but my #LOTRO Virtue Traits guide is now live.
It also includes a beta tool to help you decide on what Virtues to focus on initially. It does need extra nuancing, but I've noted down my own known flaws/future updates.
If you do play #LordOfTheRingsOnline I'd like to hear any feedback you have on it.
#lotro #lordoftheringsonline #lotrofamily #mmo #mmorpg
#10GamesToKnowMe why not?
#PokemonGo oh no I am playing it right now
#KatamariDamacy naaaa na na na na na na na
#TheSims franchise
#DeliciousEmily franchise
#DungeonKeeper (the original)
#10gamestoknowme #pokemongo #katamaridamacy #thesims #deliciousemily #oxygennotincluded #ataleinthedesert #lordoftheringsonline #dungeonkeeper #breathofthewild #ingress
Suilad mellyn! 🧝♀️💙
Updated gamer intro. 😊
Other absolute favorites:
Also enjoy:
#MarioKart :mariokart:
...et cetera.
#lordoftheringsonline #darkageofcamelot #ostrivgame #valheim #arksurvivalevolved #minecraft #starcraftii #finalfantasyxiv #stardewvalley #banished #dawnofman #travellersrest #riseofindustry #factorytown #hearthlands #timberborn #againstthestorm #winkeltje #wytchwood #strangehorticulture #pilgrims #mariokart
Today was the anual #Pride :progress_pride: parade inside #LordOfTheRingsOnline (#LotRO).
I'm member of the #LGBT :queer: guild Knights of the White Lady, in Landroval server.
We rode through the city of Bree, proudly wearing capes in the colors of the rainbow flag :flagLGBTQ:
(in the last pic, you can see my dorf, Naragturg the Shirtless) 🧔🏻 🪓 :verified_gay:
#pride #lordoftheringsonline #lotro #lgbt
#LOTRO friends who like Minecraft too!
A Minecraft server called Ardacraft has been building Middle-Earth for years. We've been there to visit, it is amazing!
Here is a post from the new LOTRO forums about it:
#lotro #lordoftheringsonline #minecraft
Making LOTRO Playable for Me in 2023
#LosslessScaling, #OneLauncher, #LOTRO, #LordOfTheRingsOnline
#lordoftheringsonline #lotro #onelauncher #losslessscaling
#LOTRO friends!
New pack of housing decor, horses, and goodies!
Homesteads and Harvests Coffers
#LOTRO friends! 🧝♀️
19 days left on the reward track! Don't forget task boards for extra ItemXP! (And mithril coins as a last last resort.)
Also, the curator is visiting!
Also, don't forget to log in all your freeps and creeps for Anniversary Celebration goodies!
#LOTRO friends!
25 days left on the current Reward Track!
If you are going to the Anniversary Event, be sure to stop by the Party Tree *first* and grab the daily wrapper quests from Waldo to get that extra ItemXP!
LotRO's 16th Anniversary Celebration has begun!
Check out the guides that @FibroJedi writes!
Today's patch notes, including new character customization changes for humans and Anniversary Event info:
A friend just showed me this video on Discord and it seems like there might be a few people here who would like it too. 😊
Minecraft + Lord of the Rings
#lordoftherings #lordoftheringsonline #minecraft
How does everyone feel about the new interior design of The Last Homely House? I'm torn between "OMG this is beautiful i love it!" and "can't someone sweep this floor real quick?"
😊 🧝♀️
Counting Down Our Favorite Games: #50-#41 - What Could They Be??
#AdventureGameHotspot #UnrealTournament #BookofUnwrittenTales #BrokenSword5 #LegendofZeldaaLinktothePast #SuperSmashBrosMelee #SoulCalibur2 #TexmurphyThePandoraDirective #LordoftheRingsOnline #TheLongestJourney #Privateer
#adventuregamehotspot #unrealtournament #bookofunwrittentales #brokensword5 #legendofzeldaalinktothepast #supersmashbrosmelee #soulcalibur2 #texmurphythepandoradirective #lordoftheringsonline #thelongestjourney #privateer
#LordOfTheRingsOnline Update 35: The Return of Carn Dum! March 22!
Suilad mellyn! 🧝♀️ 💙
Had to move again because of technical difficulties, so will post an updated gamer intro.
My home(s):
Other absolute favorites:
Also enjoy:
#MarioKart :mariokart:
...et cetera.
#lordoftheringsonline #darkageofcamelot #ostrivgame #valheim #arksurvivalevolved #minecraft #starcraftii #stardewvalley #banished #travellersrest #riseofindustry #factorytown #hearthlands #timberborn #againstthestorm #winkeltje #wytchwood #strangehorticulture #pilgrims #mariokart #pcgames #gog