I need a proper card-carrying, “this has been my special interest for decades”, #tolkien nerd to write a what-if summary of the #LordOfTheRingsTrilogy where someone knocks Pippin out at Bilbo’s party and locks him in a basement for a while so he’s not around to F things up. 1/2
#tolkien #lordoftheringstrilogy
Nadal sempre és sinònim de llegir tota la saga clàssica del senyor dels anells #LordOfTheRingsTrilogy #TolkienTuesday #llibres
#lordoftheringstrilogy #tolkientuesday #llibres
Ein paar Impressionen der Tolkien Tage. Jedes Jahr am Wochenende nach Pfingsten.
#theringsofpower #lotr #lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #middleearth #thehobbit #jrrtolkien #tolkien #silmarillion #hobbit #mittelerde #tolkientag #cosplay #tolkiencosplay #ringsofpower #hobbittrilogy #lordoftheringstrilogy #lordoftheringsmemes #herrderringe #lotrcosplay #desolationofsmaug #lotrmemes #anunexpectedjourney #tolkiendays #ringedermacht #derherderringe #tolkien #dieringedermacht #tolkientage
#TheRingsofPower #lotr #lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #middleearth #thehobbit #jrrtolkien #tolkien #silmarillion #hobbit #mittelerde #tolkientag #cosplay #tolkiencosplay #RingsOfPower #hobbittrilogy #lordoftheringstrilogy #lordoftheringsmemes #HerrderRinge #lotrcosplay #desolationofsmaug #lotrmemes #anunexpectedjourney #tolkiendays #RingeDerMacht #derherderringe #dieringedermacht #TolkienTage