Sabine Hossenfelder
Special Relativity: This Is Why You Misunderstand It
#SabineHossenfelder #acceleration #events #HendrikLorentz #HermannMinkowski #LorentzianDistance #NewtonsBucket #passageOfTime #properTime #relativity #spacetime #timeDilation #twinParadox
#sabinehossenfelder #acceleration #events #hendriklorentz #hermannminkowski #lorentziandistance #newtonsbucket #passageoftime #propertime #relativity #spacetime #twinparadox #timedilation
@Dziadek @ben_crowell_fullerton
Dziadek Mick wrote:
> <em> Speed = Distance/Time </em>
(Average) Speed (of a projectile wrt. a RaceTrackSystem) :=
Distance between StartMark and FinishMark /
Duration of the RaceTrackSystem being occupied by the projectile
> <em> [...] SpaceTime Distance [...] </em>
The "technical term" is [#LorentzianDistance](
\(\ell : \mathcal S \times \mathcal S \rightarrow (\mathbb R_{(0+)} \, \cup \, \infty) \times \text{DurationUnit}\)
Ben Crowell wrote:
> <em> ... »we all move through #Spacetime at #LightSpeed«. Is this true? </em>
> <em> Short answer: no. </em>
That's much to do with what we mean by (how we define = measure) "#Speed".
Even better ask: What's a common description of all sets of events in which "we all" (individually) took part ?
> <em> [the long answer]( </em>
There's no mentioning of [[#Duration]] [[#LorentzianDistance]] [[#SyngeWorldFunction]] ...
#syngeworldfunction #lorentziandistance #duration #speed #lightspeed #spacetime