Per Lineam Valli · @perlineamvalli
56 followers · 401 posts · Server

The photo in the thumbnail is Andrei Negin, not HRR, in case anybody's confused! :-)


OTD in 1978, Henry Russell Robinson died. Author of The Armour of Imperial Rome and What the Soldiers Wore on , his knowledge of medieval and Japanese armour was crucial in solving the riddle of how worked.


#loricasegmentata #hadrianswall

Last updated 2 years ago

the Legionary · @thelegionary
17 followers · 25 posts · Server

Just weighing up my armour and kit ahead of my next video. My body armour the , weighs 8kg and my helmet, the , weighs 3.4kg. Belts sandals and weigh 5.9kg. Along with other items such as the tunic and (padded jacket worn under the armour) we are looking at approximately 20kgs of equipment worn on the man.

#loricasegmentata #galea #gladius #subarmalis #thelegionary #romansoldier

Last updated 2 years ago