
Here's one of my favorite compilations.

1. Billy Bragg - Joe Hill
2. Utah Philips - Joe Hill's Last Will
3. Mark Levy - Joe Hill's Ashes
4. The Preacher and the Slave
5. Paul Robeson - Joe Hill
6. Si Kahn - Paper Heart
7. Pete Seeger - Casey Jones (The Union Scab)
8. Mats Paulson - Mr. Block
9. Joe Glazer/Lori Elaine Taylor - Joe Hill Listens to the Praying
10. Cisco Houston - The Tramp
11. Earl Robinson - Joe Hill
12. Carlos Cortez - The White Slave
13. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn - Narrative
14. Hazel Dickens - The Rebel Girl
15. Entertainment Workers IU 630 with Utah Philips - There is Power in a Union


#organize #Unions #joehill #billybragg #UtahPhillips #marklevy #PaulRobeson #sikahn #peteseeger #matspaulson #joeglazer #lorielainetaylor #ciscohouston #earlrobinson #carloscortez #elizabethgurleyflynn #hazeldickens

Last updated 1 year ago