#LoringEutemey’s copy of the #PLINC One-Liner catalog is now in the cherished possession of our own @fhardwig. Several of the fonts used by the NYC designer were thus identified by consulting the very same book from which they were originally selected. Here’s his logo stamp, designed around a stylized ‘e’, with the bar representing his moustache.
Loring Eutemey, one of the unsung members of Push Pin Studios, helped define the look of Atlantic Records in the late 1950s to early ’60s. Here are a few covers from Fonts In Use: https://fontsinuse.com/designers/4062/loring-eutemey
#LoringEutemey #PushPinStudios #GraphicDesign #AlbumArt #FontsInUse
#loringeutemey #pushpinstudios #graphicdesign #albumart #fontsinuse