Honored to celebrate #Losar at the Undersecretary and Special Coordinator for Tibet @UnderSecStateJ’s invitation at the @NMADmuseum.💧🐰🙏🏼 In this upcoming year of the water rabbit, we will continue fighting for a #FreeTibet together. @SaveTibetOrg https://nitter.hongkongers.net/jooeysiiu/status/1628757443827191808#m
Today is #Losar, the Tibetan New Year celebration! https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/japan/shinto-buddhism/buddhism.html?s=mb
It's #Losar, the Tibetan New Year celebration! https://toilet-guru.com/buddhist.html?s=mb
@jkirkendall Losar Tashi Delek! to you too, internet neighbor, and to all reading this >
#losar #buddhism #yearoftherabbit
Happy Losar ལོ་གསར་ 2023 -Year of the Water Rabbit! 🐰
see link for full post:
Tashi Delek!
#Losar #TibetanNewYear #Losar2023 #YearOfTheRabbit #YearOfTheRabbit2023
#FreshStart #BeginAgain #StartAnew #calm #peace #OpenHeart #Path #Practice #JinpaLhaga #JMWart #Art #BuddhistArt #Enso #Calligraphy #Drawing #Illustration
#losar #tibetannewyear #losar2023 #yearoftherabbit #yearoftherabbit2023 #freshstart #beginagain #startanew #calm #peace #openheart #path #practice #jinpalhaga #jmwart #art #buddhistart #ENSO #calligraphy #drawing #illustration
It's #Losar, the Tibetan New Year celebration! https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/japan/shinto-buddhism/buddhism.html?s=mb
#Losar Tashi Delek to all Tibetans! May #Tibetans & #HongKongers keep working together for the #liberation of us all! #TibetanNewYear https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1628123365788594177#m
#losar #tibetans #hongkongers #liberation #tibetannewyear
Tashi Dele!
Happy new year!
#tibetannewyear #losar #tashidelek #happylosar
Today is #Losar, the Tibetan New Year celebration! https://toilet-guru.com/buddhist.html?s=mb
Today we enter the Tibetan year of the water rabbit. Happy Losar everyone. Losar Tashi Delek! #Losar #Tibet #tibetannewyear #waterrabbit
#losar #Tibet #tibetannewyear #waterrabbit
#Losar Tashi Delek! 2150
Die besten Wünsche zum Wasser-Hasen-Jahr, das nach den meisten tibetischen Kalendern (heute) am Dienstag, den 21. Februar 2023 beginnt.
Today is Tibetan New Year. A very happy new year from the rooftop of our national centre.
May we generate boundless thoughts and feelings of devotion to The Buddha of Compassion.
May we sing ceaseless waves of prayers for our infinite mother beings with unconditional love.
#losar #tashidelek #TibetanNewYear #Rabbit
#losar #tashidelek #tibetannewyear #rabbit
It's #Losar, the Tibetan New Year celebration! https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/japan/shinto-buddhism/buddhism.html?s=mb
@yd_tweets RT by @badiucao: Can you spare a minute and tweet ‘Happy #Losar’ to Tibetans in #Tibet? Let’s trend #HappyLosar https://nitter.hongkongers.net/yd_tweets/status/1627683512177541122#m
It's #Losar, the Tibetan New Year celebration! https://toilet-guru.com/buddhist.html?s=mb
#Losar Tashi Delek!
Das neue Jahr steht gemäß des tibetischen Tierkreises im Zeichen des Wasser-Hasen.
Der Hase symbolisiert dabei #Hoffnung und #Glück. Das tibetische Jahr 2150 (2023 in westlicher Zeitrechnung) ist deshalb für Tibeter*innen ein Jahr der #Zuversicht.
#zuversicht #Gluck #hoffnung #losar