Happy anniversary to Liza Minelli’s cover of “Losing My Mind”. Released this week in 1989. #lizaminelli #petshopboys #losingmymind #results
#lizaminelli #petshopboys #losingmymind #results
Today's discovery: For some reason I cannot type the acronym for the Australian Cyber Security Centre accurately the same way more than once. ASCC. ASSC. ACCS. AAAAARGH!
I put weird things in weird places to remind me to do things. For instance on bin night I'll place a saucepan in the the hallway. But then of course it's a challenge to remember to ACTUALLY put the damn thing in the hallway and/or remember why TF it's there.😂
50/50 on my last assignment, resubmitted so I have that going for me 😃
#stillworkingonpythonbutstuckparsingxml #whyaremyhashtagssolong #losingmymind