2/ Petco Love, an animal welfare nonprofit operated by Petco Health and Wellness Company, introduced its facial recognition technology to roughly 1,000 animal shelters and rescues in cities and rural areas in 2020. #Dogs #Cats #LostPets #LostPet #mobileapp #PetcoFoundation #Petco
#dogs #cats #lostpets #lostPet #mobileapp #petcofoundation #Petco
this is Frankie. She lives in the Tenderloin but escaped from a sitter at 35th and Judah while her Mom was away.
There’s been a sighting in South SF/Colma/Daly City. If you see her, please text Julie at the number on the flyer.
Please don’t try to chase her or catch her yourself.
RT @EmilyRoseMackay@twitter.com
Going slightly out of my head trying to find Norman - please RT. Missing since Christmas morning from Days Close, Royston SG8. #royston #lostcat #lostpet https://twitter.com/petsreunited/status/1607105951949111298
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EmilyRoseMackay/status/1607341691966562307
RT @LostPetsVienna@twitter.com
Katze eingefangen! Am 21. Dezember wurde in Mariahilf (Dominikanergasse) eine männliche Europäisch Kurzhaar, noch recht jung, aufgelesen. Farbe: braun getigert mit weiß. Wer vermisst das Tier? #lostpet #vienna
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LostPetsVienna/status/1605830701915463685
@adamdavidson Dang! Hoping she’s ok and comes back safe. 💔 #caturday #lostPet