@polenz_r Glückwunsch Ilkay. Aber da kann sich #Gelsenkirchen auch nichts für kaufen. #LostCities
Land of the Lost - what are your fave stories dealing with lost civilizations? Writers, what have you written?
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Here are 4 #lostcities of the #ancientworld ripe for #discovery
#ancienthistory #discovery #ancientworld #lostcities
Bislang rätselhafte Grubenanlagen im Khangai-Gebirge (Zentral-Mongolei) waren zumindest teilweise Militärsiedlungen oder Garnisonen der Qing-Zeit (1636-1911). Das schreibt ein internationales Team um Henny Piezonka jetzt in @Antiquity
Die Erkenntnisse beruhen auf #Ausgrabungen im Jahr 2019. Sie wurden ermöglicht im Rahmen des #LostCities-Programms der #GerdaHenkelStiftung und vom #ClusterRoots: https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/publications/other-publications-by-roots-member/enigmatic-pit-structures-in-mongolia-identified-as-permanent-settlements-from-the-qing-era #Archäologie #Stadtforschung
#stadtforschung #archaologie #ClusterROOTS #gerdahenkelstiftung #lostcities #Ausgrabung
@andrew hmm...
#Mohenjodaro #Pakistan #AncientCities #PublicHealth #PublicWealth #IndusValley #ClimateChangeNow #PopArchaeology #LostCities
Would be my best shot.
#mohenjodaro #pakistan #ancientcities #publichealth #publicwealth #indusvalley #ClimateChangeNow #poparchaeology #lostcities
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#spacehulkdeathangel #takenoko #tickettorideeurope #lostcities #rattaneer #studyinemerald #steamtorpedo #undauntedstalingrad #bulletheart #acquire
"While defending its tacit interests, it seems that Venice adopted a firm yet noticeably benevolent approach towards all kinds of foreigner drawn not only by its prestige and wealth but also by the chance to ply a trade, indeed make money or, when all was said and done, live a better life there than anywhere else, anywhere else being those countries from which they were being driven by wars and expulsions." #LostCities #MemoriesOfFutureToCome
#lostcities #memoriesoffuturetocome