So in a very fun follow-up to the shut the key in the locked door of the truck hijink, yesterday I managed to drop my glasses during my walk to classes. They are well and truly lost.
I am currently alternating between a bad pair of readers, with which I have to get verrrrry close to the computer screen, and some serious squinting, until I can get a replacement pair. In probably a couple of weeks, because that's how that works.
👓 😠😑 🤓
#lostglasses #dangit #squinting #oops
Den Durchblick verloren?
#fundstueck #Brille #glasses #lostglasses #betterbanking
Such a #firstworldproblem
I have two pairs of glasses; red and black. I alternate between the two depending what I am wearing. The black pair have gone walkabouts.
#firstworldproblem #wherecantheybe #lostglasses