'Which brings me to the haunting complexity of London’s buried rivers. They’re not lost, not at all. Just because you can’t see a thing, as Ed Dorn points out, doesn’t mean that it’s not there. The rivers continue, hidden and culverted as they might be, to flow through our dreams, fixing the compass of our moods and movements.'
Iain Sinclair – Swimming to Heaven: The Lost Rivers of London.
#IainSinclair #London #RiverFleet #LostRivers
#lostrivers #riverfleet #london #iainsinclair
I followed the #CapitalRing Link along a path by the poor River Quaggy trapped in a concrete prison, stripped of its natural state. The links connect the main route to public transport stops.
#River #LostRivers #PublicTransport #walking #UrbanWalking #London #Rivers
#rivers #london #urbanwalking #walking #publictransport #lostrivers #river #capitalring